32 From Büsum to Up - Lucky Mushroom times ten!!

ຈັດພີມມາ: 18.07.2020

Travel Stories I

I'm cycling from Büsum to Husum. I would love to take the ferry to the small island Pellworm in the evening. When I call the only campground there, I'm told that I have to wait until evening for a response to my email inquiry and that they are completely booked anyway. Damn it.

So I continue along the coast to a campground near Nordstrand. Halfway there, I realize that the things I packed on top to dry have disappeared. Damn it.

Socks, my favorite top, and the good Triple2 cycling shorts. Really damn it.

Riding back is not an option at the moment, as I don't even have a place to sleep secured and also, once again, I have a headwind. Grrr..

The campground is quite full. Reserved? No. But I still get a spot. Phew.

Then I receive the promised email response from the Pellworm campground: There's a free spot from Sunday. Cool!

Maybe I can just stay for a second night at the current campground. And then take the ferry on Sunday morning. So I ask at the reception: No problem. Very cool!

So maybe I can join a mudflat hike the next day! Inquire by email and wait.

Also, the next day I can ride back to Husum and search for my things along the way. However, I don't see anything in sight. Hmpf.

In the city, I make a phone call about the mudflat hike afterwards. I find out: Fully booked. Hmmm..

Five minutes later, an email response arrives: A spot has been reserved for me on the tour. Things are looking up :D

Also, I book the ferry from Pellworm to Amrum. A spot for me and one of the coveted bike spots. Check!

When I call the campground there, the same drama unfolds: Completely booked. Haven't learned anything! Damn it.
I remember that a friend of a friend lives and works there. Maybe I can stay with her. A glimmer of hope!

I ride back to the campground. And suddenly, I notice something lying by the roadside between the sheep: My things!!?! Unbelievable.
Everything - except for 1 out of 2 socks - found again almost 24 windy hours later. How lucky can one be?
Will luck eventually run out and in a few years, I'll only have bad luck?!

I doubt it, I am and will always be an absolute lucky person. Gratitude times a thousand!
Could hug the world, set a new record on the way back. Riding against the wind and grinning from ear to ear :)

The mudflat hike in the evening is led by an 18-year-old volunteer. Full of enthusiasm, full of interesting stories. Wow!
We sink into the mud up to our knees at times. Super cool!

Afterwards, it's time to shower and cook a delicious meal, and then take an evening walk with hundreds of sheep on the dike. Baa ;)

Respect, dear life!
You once again made any fictional story look old.

What. A. Day.


Travel Stories II

I'm dying of Cuteness Overload.
Next to me, an older couple from Denmark is camping. They have placed their large air mattress outside to cuddle in the evening sun.
Now he sits on a chair right next to the mattress and reads to her from a thick, somewhat tattered book. They laugh at some parts, briefly discuss what's happening in the book. She takes his hand. He pauses to lean down and kiss her.

Just listening to the two of them - and not understanding a word - already makes me incredibly happy.
How beautiful can life be? ❤️

ຄໍາຕອບ (4)

Steht ein Schaf am Deich, glotzt mich an und sagt dann gleich... Määh!

Ein Spaziergang am Meer, Wind und Wellen um mich her... *lalala* :D

Toll! War mit der Schule in Husum und auf Hallig Hooge, glaub, das sind die gleichen Bilder *hihi* (also in analog *hihihi*)

Wie cool! Die musst du mir beim nächsten Treffen mal zeigen 😊

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