Sydney, car purchase and bad weather

ຈັດພີມມາ: 17.06.2018

Hello everyone,

About two years ago around this time, we got on a plane in Sydney and flew back to Frankfurt. I'm not sure why, but even back then I knew I would definitely come back here. I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but here we are again =)

We've been in Australia for two weeks now and so much has happened already. We started in Sydney and spent two days exploring the city. Since we had been here before, we knew what to expect. And yet, it was nice to see everything again and reminisce. The best thing was remembering our favorite restaurant and enjoying the delicious antipasti platter and a glass or two of wine or beer.

From Sydney, we had already booked a flight to Perth in advance, as we wanted to buy a car there and start our much-anticipated road trip. The search for a car turned out to be a bit more difficult than expected. We looked at two backpacker cars, both of them good in their own way, but there was always something wrong and by now, we had a pretty clear idea of what we wanted in our new temporary home. In the end, we decided to buy a car from a dealer and customize it to our liking. We arrived at the dealer, checked out two cars, and within half an hour, we had signed the purchase contract and were ready to hit the road. We ultimately chose a Nissan X-Trail. We made a quick stop at the authorities to register the car in our name and that was it. I don't think something like this exists in Germany ^^

The rest of the day was spent shopping. From hardware stores to discount stores, to Ikea and a specialist store where we made the biggest purchase, a rooftop tent!!! That had been our biggest wish from the beginning. The tent is attached to the roof of the car and can be set up within two minutes. It's incredibly practical and provides much more space for all the other stuff in the car. In the end, we spent just as much money as most backpackers wanted for their cars and got everything brand new and exactly what we wanted! The work and time definitely paid off.

Now we're ready to go!!! We were as excited as two little kids on Christmas and couldn't wait. Unfortunately, the first night in the tent turned out to be quite literally a washout, as a severe storm with strong winds and heavy rain was forecasted. We decided to go back to a hostel for one more night and didn't regret our decision when we looked out the window in the evening and saw the torrents of water outside.

Our plan now is to drive along the south coast from Perth to Adelaide. We stopped at Cape Naturaliste and Cape Leeuwin and once again marveled at the beauty of this continent.

Unfortunately, the rain and bad weather persisted over the next few days, and we spent most of the day in the car. But we did find a beautiful place, more on that in the next article =)


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