Neuer Kammerchor around the World
Neuer Kammerchor around the World

Romania Day 2 - Competition at the first concert

Verëffentlecht: 21.07.2019

After spending our first night at the Evangelical Academy, we went to a neighboring church for our first rehearsal after breakfast. After going through the pieces for our first concert in the evening, we took the buses to the city center of Sibiu.

Upon arrival, we first walked to the so-called Great Square, the central square of the city, where trade has been conducted since the 14th century. We briefly sang a few songs in the central Catholic church, where we would have our first concert in the evening.

Afterwards, our choir split into two groups, each accompanied by a local guide, and explored Sibiu. We learned a lot about the religions and churches, the history of Sibiu and Transylvania, and their culture. Additionally, Sibiu is divided into two levels, and we mostly walked through the upper level, which looks more well-kept and beautiful.

After a 1 1/2-hour city tour under the shining sun, the group started to feel a growing tiredness and hunger. So we split into small groups and went to have individual lunches.

With - who would have thought - a slight delay, we then made our way back to our accommodation, with a short stop at the supermarket. We had the choice between Penny, Lidl, and Kaufland, and already felt a bit at home.

After an hour of relaxation time, we returned to the church in concert attire. At 6 PM, we were at least a small part of a Mass, and at 7:30, our official first concert here in Romania began. Despite an open-air concert taking place right in front of the church and distracting sound, we finished our concert and could, at least it seemed so, see enthusiastic faces.

After this long day, we also needed a meal and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Finally, we began the return journey and ended up, for the most part, excited but maybe a little exhausted in our beds.


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