Verëffentlecht: 24.02.2020

Hey, I want to start at the very beginning and tell you why I decided to spend 10 months in the USA.

I think it all started when two of my classmates told me at school that they were both going to do a year abroad. This must have been around July 2019. Before that day, I hadn't even thought about going abroad for such a long time, partly because I used to feel really homesick until about a year ago.

But from that day on, it was clear to me - I hadn't told my parents or anyone else about it. It was all quite spontaneous. When I told my parents, they were kind of taken by surprise, as they hadn't expected it at all, but they agreed. It wasn't a big deal. I quickly got an appointment with a teacher who had worked as a volunteer at AFS some time ago and apparently recommended the organization to my two classmates.

As I said, it all happened very spontaneously and I don't really remember where my sudden conviction came from.

Then everything started. We informed ourselves about AFS and only heard and read positive things. We made contact, I think that all happened around mid to late August. I can't really remember the time, but I don't think much happened until my first AFS seminar at the end of September. More about that in my post about the seminar


