My adventure
My adventure

Day 111 Big Buddha

Published: 30.07.2017

In addition to Hong Kong Island, there are many smaller to medium-sized islands that also belong to Hong Kong. On one of them is a gigantic Buddha statue.

I wanted to see it today. To get there, I took a ferry from the harbor to the island, which took 45 minutes.

After a bus ride of another 30 minutes, I arrived at a small village and the Buddha statue with its associated monastery.

The Buddha statue was truly impressive. To reach the statue, I had to climb about 200 steps.

But the better view of the Buddha was actually from below. Nevertheless, I climbed the steps and walked around the Buddha once. From the platform, I had a good view of the coast and the neighboring islands.

The monastery was similar to the one I visited yesterday. It didn't have much resemblance to the Tibetan monasteries either. But this monastery was also nice to visit.

To escape the tourist hustle and bustle a bit, I went for a short hike on the island. Once you left the attraction, you were more or less alone.

I walked a short distance and found a small elevation with wooden boards sticking in the ground. The boards had Chinese inscriptions.

From this small elevation, you had a beautiful view of the Buddha and a small bay and the neighboring islands.

I spent some time here before making my way back to the hostel.


Travel tradit China