
Day 12: Lorient and Vannes

Published: 27.08.2021

Our day starts with a relaxed breakfast, surrounded by the campsite cat hoping for food. First, we go to Lorient. Originally, our plan was to visit the Citadel with the Marine Museum, but we change our plans and visit the Submarine Bunker instead. Unfortunately, all spots in the museum are booked for today, so we have to settle for an external visit. The Submarine Bunkers in Lorient were built during World War II on behalf of the German Armed Forces. In the submarine war, this was the largest base for the Kriegsmarine's submarines from June 1940 to August 1944. Large parts of the facility still exist today and are used partly as a harbor, warehouse, and workshops for boats as well as the museum. We see these huge bunkers with thick reinforced concrete walls. There are information boards that describe the use of the facility. The children are sad that they cannot see the exhibited submarine. After the tour, we get a snack for lunch. It's hard to say how many times we have eaten crêpes in this vacation... Then we take another hour's drive and arrive in Vannes. Its old town is characterized by narrow cobblestone streets and medieval gates. The Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Vannes in the city center combines Romanesque and Gothic elements. There are many colorful half-timbered houses again. The city has a walled fortification where we have a great view of the garden in front of it. The flowers and bushes are planted in symmetry and create a beautiful picture. We continue to stroll through the city center and end our tour after an hour. Afterwards, we go shopping and have a barbecue in the evening. The children once again enjoy the amenities of the campsite, such as the pool, bouncy castle, and playground. We are puzzled as to where the children get their energy from after these exhausting days. Unfortunately, despite mosquito repellent, we are bitten by these little pests. There is evening entertainment at the campsite, and we enthusiastically guess the songs in the competition.
Answer (1)

Guten Abend, euer Bericht hört sich abenteuerlich an, bitte immer daran denken, französische Mücken mögen dt. Blut. Ich bin wieder gut zu Hause angekommen. Euch wünschen wir weiterhin viel Spaß. Liebe Grüße

Travel tradit Gallia