Blogên Rêwîtiya Nû û Taybetî Cape Town

Helicopter flight over Cape Town

Helicopter tour to the Cape of Good Hope, a different perspective on everything we have already expl...

Blouberg Beach

Excursion to Blouberg Beach with a stunning view of Table Mountain.

Cape Peninsula

An eventful day, visiting Muizenberg, St. James, Simon's Town, Boulder Beach with the penguins, the ...

Hopp On, Hopp Off

Wednesday was all about Hopp on/Hopp off, first we took the red double-decker around the whole route...

Capetown, here we come.....

We made the most of the first day, explored Victoria and Albert Waterfront, refreshed ourselves at M...

Cape Jorîn (11.8.19)

Îro em gişt piçek westiyabûn û neçar mabûn ku şoka duh bimehînin. Em tenê li BO-Kaap, taxa misilmana...

Nîvgirava Cape 8/10/19

Îro em zû derketin ku li dora Nîvgirava Cape ajotin.

Roja Jinan li Kapstadt (9.8.19)

Îro li Afrîkaya Başûr ji bo rêzgirtina jinên ku li dijî rejîma apartheidê protesto kirin, cejneke fe...

Kapstadt - Rhodes Memorial V&A Waterfront Signal Hill (20.7.19)

Bi hin xwendekarên din ên pevguhertinê re em îro dîsa çûn Cape Town.

Cape Town ji bo yekem (13.7.19)

Îro em çûn Cape Townê. Ji bo ku em dilgeş bibin, me gera otobusê ya li ser hop din kir û li kevintir...

Week 11 and 12 - South Africa

We used the last few days to decide where to go in Africa. The plan was made and we knew that we cou...