Sylvi geht auf Weltreise
Sylvi geht auf Weltreise

Gia Hostel Day 2

Dɛn dɔn pablish am: 25.04.2023

25.4. Gia Hostel 2nd day

Wow - slept really well last night, just like at home. Had the room to myself. Since I was out all day yesterday, I had to get some groceries this morning for breakfast. The breakfast here at the hostel costs 49 ILS and there's hardly anything offered. So I went out and to my surprise, there was a great store right at the big intersection. Not shown by Google. The best so far. Found everything I need and not expensive. Products similar to Germany. Bread, brunch, sour cream, banana, pudding, cheese, tofu, milk - 72 ILS - 15 €.

Still have to go out today and recharge my RAF card and my SIM card, both are empty. So - the surroundings are really deceiving - everything is nearby - bus station right outside the door - shop to recharge the RAF card - phone shop for SIM cards - it's all there. Then I'll just go to Dizengoff for a short while and then back - cook some food. Today is my office day - transfers, laundry, etc. And today I'll update my blog for you, so I'll finally be up to date.


Travul ripɔt Izrɛl