
The Avocado Tree Climber

게시됨: 13.02.2017

Today we continued from Gulf Harbour to Tauranga. We are getting closer to our destination, Napier. Soon we can finally work and earn cash again. It's not easy to travel without any money. After all, it's called work and travel.

We are now at a beautiful, quite remote campground. It's pretty much the most beautiful one so far. There are plenty of avocado and mandarin trees here. You can take whatever you find. Amazing. I've never seen anything like this before.

Attached is a park and a small, well, Maori garden for the animals?! I can't describe it any better, but there are all sorts of fruit trees for the animals. Super idyllic.

We first stocked up on mandarins. It was more difficult with the avocados. They are so popular here that almost every fruit that falls from the tree is picked up by walkers. I was left empty-handed. After waiting for about 30 minutes, hoping the wind might bring an avocado down for me, I took matters into my own hands. I climbed the trees. It's harder than you think. They are probably 20 meters high and only ripe fruits can be found from about 10-15 meters. I was able to grab 6 at least. 2 others were on the ground when I got back down. Now we have 8 avocados and a dozen mandarins.

We will now clean our car from mosquitoes and then sleep. It is still unclear where we will go tomorrow, our tank will determine that for now. But definitely further towards Napier...

답변 (5)

Vitamine. ..Vitamine. Alles interessant zu lesen. Klasse Bilder.

Eine gesunde Ernährung ist nunmal wichtig :-)

Form The Avocado Peel The Avocado 🙈 Von Tag zu Tag werd ich mehr neidisch !!! Sieht gut aus :) guten morgen und ich gehe nun schlafen :)

Hahaha beste Oma in dem Video :D Gutes Nächtle

Steffi ❤ wir werden dich 'leider' noch viel neidischer machen :D

#neuseeland #workandtravel#fun#love#sun#2017