
First goal achieved!

게시됨: 13.07.2016

The first 600 km are done! When we entered our luxurious penthouse (with a grand piano, conservatory, and 2 balconies) in the south of Berlin for the first time, we were very impressed at first. But you quickly get used to it and adapt your living conditions. The logical consequence of this was to toast not with the drink of the common people (beer), but with champagne, on our balcony, with the sweet tones of Beethoven's 57th Sonata in the background. Later in the evening, for cost reasons, we decided to switch back to Berlin currywurst and beer. In retrospect, we are happy to have explored Berlin and not Washington, otherwise there would only be two of us. The third person 'would be lying face down in the dirt' because they had to empty their bladder... on the street.. in Berlin.. in the government quarter. But since we are in Berlin, the friendly security guard let us escape and we are still three!



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