
From Ilanz to Disentis

게시됨: 13.07.2021

Ilanz to Disentis was supposed to be the biggest challenge on our journey this year. We started off in dry weather from Ilanz. We woke up very early to leave around 05:00. We knew that it would soon start raining, the weather forecast was really bleak, so we tried to cover as many kilometers as possible before the rain. But we failed miserably because the weather ruined our plans.

The rain started slowly and then it poured heavily. But nothing could stop us. The rain got worse, hail and sleet joined in. It was truly a big challenge for us. We were soaked to the underwear and our morale hit rock bottom. A landslide also blocked our path and added an extra 2.5 kilometers to our march.

But even this obstacle couldn't prevent us from reaching Disentis.

In the end, we arrived at the camping site in Disentis completely exhausted, soaked, and in pain. Thankfully, we were able to dry our clothes and shoes in the community house. We stayed in two tipis, which provided enough space for us. Schnetzer Brigitte and Erhard, Schnetzer's Adwin and Herburger's Hans visited us for dinner. We had Roland Eder's Chilli con Carne and it really helped us.

But this day of rain, thunderstorms, lightning, thunder, and hail drained us completely, so we were all ready to call it a day. Finally, everyone was in bed by 7:30, no one wanted to continue the journey. The next day, the stage to Maighels Hut was planned. Challenge enough...

답변 (1)

Liebe Funker, wir verfolgen euren Strapazmarathon schon die ganze Woche - Respekt, Respekt und nocheinmal Respekt! Wirklich mehr als beeindruckend, was ihr da für ein gewaltiges Vorhaben durchzieht. Und das bei dem bescheidenen Wetter, vorsichtig ausgedrückt... ;) Vom Spendenaufkommen ganz zu schweigen, ihr steht bei über 25.000 Euro aktuell, das ist sensationell! Wir sind echt sprachlos und freuen uns riesig die über diese großartige Unterstützung für die "Schmetterlingskinder"! Für heute noch alles, alles Gute - auf dass die letzten Kilo- und Höhenmeter gut zurückgelegt bzw. bezwungen werden. Wir sehen uns morgen in Höchst!