
From Chur through the Rhine Gorge to Ilanz.

게시됨: 12.07.2021

On the third day, we set off on our third stage, which was supposed to take us from Chur to Ilanz, through the beautiful Rhine Gorge, right on time at 06:15. We were well fortified with a bite of breakfast and plenty of fluids for the long march of 34 kilometers and 520 meters of altitude. We quickly covered several kilometers again. One thing that stood out here is that there was now a beautiful fountain with fresh water in almost every village.

A rather tricky piece led us up the main road to Bonaduz. The highway was very narrow and the cars and trucks were rushing past us at 80 kilometers per hour. We immediately formed a vanguard and a rearguard here to regulate traffic and ensure safety. An endlessly long straight road from Bonaduz to Ruinalta demanded a lot from us until we finally arrived in the Rhine Gorge. The view from high above the Rhine was breathtaking. The narrow Rhine Gorge with the two-wheeler was a real challenge for us, as the traffic in the narrow streets was very dangerous.

But we mastered it perfectly and quickly covered many kilometers. Ilanz was getting closer, but our bones, joints, and muscles were making themselves felt again. Some of us already had severe blisters on our feet, filled with blood. Tendinitis in the shins, cramps, and blistered heels made life difficult for us, but surely no one thought of giving up.

Especially the many kilometers after the Rhine Gorge, where we went downhill again, made themselves noticeable and demanded everything from us. Many of us hadn't been so 'up to par' for a long time, and everyone was struggling with their own injuries.

Finally, from a distance, we saw Illanz, which was supposed to be our next destination. Shortly before Illanz, a guesthouse came just at the right time for us to enjoy a nice, cool beer before we tackled the last two kilometers. We really liked this beer garden, and we ordered a round or two there.

After that, we walked the last meters to our next destination - Mehli Andreas Landmaschinen - where we received accommodation. Reini Teis had organized everything at short notice.

After being well-fed once again, we made our way down to the Rhine where we bathed in the ice-cold water. A naked dip in the ice-cold water - a dream after the long and exhausting march.

So now we need to prepare everything for the next day, and look, everyone was already in bed, even before 9:00 p.m. Tomorrow it will rain during the day, starting around 10:00 a.m. That's why we plan to set off at around 4:30 a.m. so that we can cover several kilometers in the dry. It remains exciting...

답변 (3)

Mit großer Freude bin ich in Gedanken bei Euch und finde Euch alle soooooooooooooo toll! LG. Gotta Karin

Weiter so, Jungs:-) LG Edith

Mit klopfendem Herzen habe ich heute morgen Euren Bericht gelesen und freue mich riesig über Euch. Viel Freude und abheilende Blasen wünscht für die weitere Reise Gotta Karin