Experience with the Celtic Rambler now after 4 1/2 years

게시됨: 21.09.2023

We have already covered one or two things in our blog. If you want to read something again: > Celtic Rambler experience after 2 years <

Now we have another 2 ½ years of experience and we would like to share it with you too. We think that a lot of things should be known if you invest a certain amount of money in such a vehicle.


We already had a ruined brake once. Probably wasn't enough. Now we have had to have a brake unit replaced a second time. The problem - the manual parking brake no longer releases over time. By the way, the problem is known. Just nobody tells you. What for? In any case, the brake is stuck and blatantly ruins it.

Since drum brakes are not installed here, just checking the brakes is a bit laborious, as the wheel and brake cover have to be removed every time to see what's going on. Since the brake is a complete part, the costs are correspondingly high. This time over €1600.

cost-effective replacement


By the way . . . In order to be able to order a replacement, the brake must be dismantled in the workshop, as there is no documentation from the manufacturer about the installed elements of the respective vehicle!!!

The same problem, for example, with the PV module. An uncomplicated expansion is therefore not possible, as expansion can only be done with modules with the same performance. However, there is no information available as to what was installed. So dismantle existing PV, throw it away and rebuild it.

So what. It works.

Here is the first of our panels. 820 watts really make you self-sufficient and give you a confident feeling


By the way, we did that too. Due to our quite high power consumption, we decided to have 820 watts installed on the roof and also threw out our three AGMs.

The batteries were completely dead after 4 years. After I looked into the subject of batteries a little more closely, it became clear why. In addition to the low cycle frequency, our 270 Ah batteries were overwhelmed by the discharge current alone when operating the coffee machine with 1500 watts via the inverter. Just nobody tells you. The vehicle would have been sold to us with a single 90Ah battery. There is clearly a lack of advice here. Now we have 400ah lipos in it and are thrilled.

With the combination of solar and batteries, we are now independent of external electricity for at least 10 months of the year. We initially completely underestimated our daily consumption of around 1.5 to 3.5 kW. Inverter alone with TV and sound system draws 10 ah. Now you can add a coffee machine and an eBike. . something is going on. We have now had all consumers switched to inverter current. We now operate the air conditioning and hob independently without any problems.


By the way . . When replacing the batteries we first had to remove the mud from the battery compartment. This is a misdesign. The water runs from the front outer compartment through the opening of the alarm system's siren directly into the battery compartment. To make things really complete, this has an annoying gap between the door and the step at the entrance step. The dirt that logically falls through here turns the water into a mud pack in no time.

Even after the first cleaning, there is still enough “fango” in the battery compartment

Let's move on to a few more annoying things.



During a cleaning operation we removed a blind in the sleeping area. So you think – no problem. Ordered you a new one. So far, so good – until you hear the price of €800 and at first you think you’ve heard it wrong. But you didn't. It's just a special measure. You just don't have to break it. You jerk.


When we killed a drawer handle, we wanted to order a new one. We get the answer from the Büsching company: “They don’t exist anymore – they have to buy a minimum quantity of 500 pieces.” That's it. No option. No solution. Plain text: see how you can deal with your problem yourself.

Pull out the slideout once and don't close the drawer properly - it's done


Installations in mobile homes are actually built so that air can always circulate. In the Rambler this is the case on the right side of the vehicle, someone else probably installed the other side.


The agreement doesn't hold. We have had to have it renewed 3 times in the meantime. You first have to find someone who actually wants to come over for such a huge order.


This topic is very annoying. All floors break down within a very short period of time and need to be replaced. A small plastic shelf costs around €40 each time, only to be wiped out again after a very short time. An unparalleled impudence.

Now a refrigerator like this costs around €2500 and doesn't really manage to cool the freezer compartment so that it actually freezes. It's just enough for ice cubes - everything else is more than problematic. We will probably replace the refrigerator with a compressor. Then we have real cooling performance and no longer need gas. We have enough electricity now and organizing gas bottles abroad is no fun anyway.


By the way . . . We had already reported that an area for a flap was cut out in the rear storage compartment, but was no longer insulated. This has already cost us a repair of the Alde heating system for €2,000. Last winter - although we subsequently insulated the compartment - we had the same problem again and needed a new boiler again. We already knew the price.

And the advantage: our boilers won't rust so quickly, they simply don't have time for that. However, we don't understand how the whole thing can be, since the boiler runs all year round. We have now had a frost monitor installed. By the way, this is installed automatically at Truma - Alde apparently sees no need for it.

Attractive in terms of color - financially too - but only for Alde Speaking of heating: the thermostat inside is in the wrong place. In any case, you should have a second sensor installed so that no waste heat comes directly from the heater

If the boiler is defective, the coolant runs all over the underbody


We wanted to replace our television. However, this is a problem. Our 40" is no longer available and the 43" has the attachment points at a much higher point. This would result in the new holes in the bathroom area. Of course we didn't want to. By the way, we still haven't solved the problem.

Now let's move on to the outside


The Rambler's joints are completely moldy. I had my last WOMO - an Ormocar body - in use for 12 years. I didn't know about mold. What kind of unsuitable material is used here? Did you want to save money here? At our expense?


We recently had a flood during a storm. It took us quite a while to understand why a small waterfall was bubbling towards us from the kitchen cupboard. After a while we noticed that the caulk on the back window had shrunk and become so hard that a piece eventually broke off. When there is a storm, the water pushes through there. We then examined all the windows. It quickly became clear that the material used had shrunk by around 5 mm, was rock hard and therefore not suitable here either. To come back briefly to our Ormocar structure. I don't know anything like that.

Should we now have all the windows removed and replaced? Who pays for that? Stupid question. Us of course.


The grouting has turned into a rubbery mass and needs to be completely replaced. AFTER 4 YEARS!!!


The Rambler's rims are completely eaten away by salt. A non-corrosion-resistant material is used here. Do I believe that???!!!

I didn't even know that there were still rims that didn't tolerate salt. Now I know. In England. There's no salt on the road.


Speaking of corrosion: I briefly had to deal with the manufacturer directly about a failed ambient light. I contacted the manufacturer directly because the Büsching company was apparently completely overloaded and I had to wait 3 months for an answer to my query and then had to be told that I should go somewhere else if it didn't suit me.

Of course, we are always asked about the Büsching company. So far it's actually okay. Goodwill behavior is a bit slow, but where is that not the case. I don't want to overstate the slip-up regarding the recommendation 'we should go somewhere else'. If all the work falls on a single person because everyone else is sick or on vacation and everything is falling on him, a slip-up can happen. Otherwise the employee is an absolutely reliable contact person. However, I still see one point as a risk. There is only 1 person in the company who can handle the technology comprehensively. Everyone has to assess this moment of danger for themselves.

Now back to the manufacturer.


I was able to get the problem with a defective ambient light under control with the English manufacturer without any problems. But when I mentioned the rusted front supports and wanted a solution, there was complete radio silence. There was no response to my follow-up questions a total of four times. Hopefully I wasn't too annoying with my ridiculous problem.

When does the screw break?

The fact is – completely unsuitable materials are used here too. These are neither galvanized nor made of stainless steel. Even the screws are made of the cheapest sheet metal and are on the verge of rusting through. But no one is interested. Since I have informed the manufacturer that - if he does not respond - I will publish this information, I am doing so here. Afterwards - if anyone is interested - the correspondence for general information.

We just wait until it's completely rusted and then say the color is like that


The design is good. The feel-good effect is good. The processing is out of the question in some places. The manufacturer's behavior is underground. The equipment is minimalist compared to other motorhome providers. Just look in each other's storage spaces and then look into the Rambler. However, do this during the day, because there is no light there.

Aaaalsooo - if you take the vehicle on vacation for three weeks and then put the trailer in the factory for the rest of the year, you won't be confronted with some problems.

However, if the vehicle is actually used, one or the other doesn't fit at all. The most important thing: always smile!

It's still fun though.

At the moment the Rambler has no real competition (at least for us). If this changes, the sales figures will certainly change noticeably and bring the manufacturer back down to earth.

Design isn't everything.

The route is the goal . . .

Copy of email correspondence with manufacturer:

By: Bodo Neiß []
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2023 4:09 p.m
To: ''
Subject: WG: Order ambient light

Hi George,

now that you have definitely not responded to my emails, let us briefly state the following points:

1. Use unsuitable material for the front supports. Parts of it have almost rusted through after four years. Unsuitable material was installed. It is ungalvanized and the screws are not stainless steel

2. When I told you this, I got the answer that you couldn't do anything else.

3. I received no further reply from you to my statement that something should now be done here before damage occurs

4. You didn't think it was necessary to reply to my three email enquiries

Such a business practice is absolutely unacceptable.

However, since this seems to be normal behavior for you, we will inform the followers of our blog about how you deal with customers, including appropriate pictures.

However, if you have not received our emails for a technical or other reason, you can let us know within the next two days.

Now that I have contacted you 3 times regarding the issue of rusting screws and brackets and have not heard from you, I am a bit irritated. Are you not receiving my emails or do you not want to reply to me? If I have not received a response from you by Friday, I would have to assume the second.

By: Bodo Neiß []
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 07:42
Subject: WG: Order ambient light

…. I still 've got no answer. . .

By: Bodo Neiß []
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 4:09 p.m
To: ''
Subject: WG: Order ambient light

Did my email get lost?

By: Bodo Neiß []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 10:36 am
To: 'George De Vera Davey'
Subject: RE: Order ambient light

Hi George,

the material has not been galvanized or is the wrong material. That's why it corrodes. Not even stainless steel screws were used!!!.
Should we now wait until the front of the Rambler collapses and then interesting photos will circulate through the internet, or should we do something before?

Best regards

Bodo Neiß

From: George De Vera Davey [ ]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 3:48 p.m
To: Bodo Neiß
Subject: RE: Order ambient light

Hi Bodo

Thanks for letting me know, if she changes her mind just let me know and we can sort out the part for you.

Unfortunately, the handles have been affected by salt on the road/air.

It's difficult to protect or paint as these are moving parts.

Best regards

