Sun, snorkeling, swimming...

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 16.05.2022

Today, our water aerobics grandpa greets us again at breakfast (see photo) and we start the day leisurely. Since the weather report shows sun again today, and we will probably have clouds in the following days (although you can never rely on the weather report on an island), we want to spend another morning at the beach snorkeling. At Petite Anse, where we were yesterday, we conquer the underwater world again. By the way, there is an organization here that promotes the rebuilding of the coral reef destroyed by coral bleaching. Divers have placed metal poles under water, on which small new pieces of coral are supposed to grow into a new reef (see photos), there is a small video here for a better understanding:

On the way back, we make a small stop at a local flea market, which sells a lot of collected bric-a-brac as well as some handmade souvenirs, including hand-carved turtles, painted keychains, paintings, etc. A crazy little place that was definitely worth a stop. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo of the shop, but I will surely do so at another location.

The afternoon is enjoyed at home before I join the local swimming club in Mahe in the evening. A completely new experience that challenges me but also provides a lot of fun. The Seychellois kiddies are super nice and open - you immediately feel familiar with each other and from the first second, you simply belong to the team. I'm already looking forward to the next time...


របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ សីស្ហែល
