Half time!

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 15.06.2023

Hello dear fellow humans,

Half time! With the start of this week, I have reached the halfway point of my time here on the ship, and from now on, I am no longer counting forward but it feels like going backwards. At the beginning of my journey, I was already warned that there would be a kind of 'low point' after two months. I can confirm this low point, the past two days I have been very tired and have often thought about home. This may of course also be because I have always wanted to go out in recent weeks and therefore postponed my sleep. Do you know the moment when you think to yourself that you actually wanted to go to the gym, but today you are so exhausted, so you better go tomorrow. With exactly the same thought, I went to bed the past two days. Yesterday evening, I told myself, Leon, you knew that this point would come. 'We agreed that now more than ever'. So yesterday evening I pulled myself together and went to the gym at 1 am, even though I was very tired and exhausted, and I can tell you it was really worth it. Even though this is not a advice blog, but rather stories about traveling, I can imagine that each of you knows such moments. 'Now more than ever'!
In the last post, I talked about my first days on board. I started to better understand village life and slowly became part of the community.
After three days, I had to leave my officer's cabin and move into my shared room. Totally exhausted, after a long day of work, I packed my bags together because I had to be at the crew personnel office at 8 a.m. to hand in my key and room card.
So there I stood with my new room key and new card at room 2322, knowing that this will be my home for the next four months.
Beforehand, I already knew who my new roommate would be. His name is Fabian, he is a host and dance instructor on the ship and should be a few years younger than me. Hosts take care of the guests on board, moderate our events, entertain our guests, and are there to spread good vibes. At first, I wasn't quite sure if Fabian was interested in men, as his way of speaking seemed to suggest it, but my theory was quickly disproved.
Fabian is in an experimental phase of his life. He and his girlfriend are in an open relationship. Accordingly, our actual two-person shared apartment sometimes turned into a three-person shared apartment. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Since I wanted to give the lovebirds some privacy, I usually went to the gym after work until 1-2 am.
Unfortunately, the relationship from Germany could not withstand the situation and his then-girlfriend wrote on WhatsApp and ended it.
This is one story among many that this ship writes. In total, 600 crew members + approximately 2000 passengers work here. In this confined space, many encounters and stories come together. The saying 'If the walls could speak' really fits here.


របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ ម៉ាល់តា
