Day 3 - Sugarloaf

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 02.03.2018

After the daily schedule was tossed back and forth five times, the choice was finally made for the Sugarloaf. I just found out that the literal translation would actually be 'sugar bread'. Why the Germans had to turn bread into a hat, probably because it looks like a mini hat, still strange.

From the mountain we had a fantastic view, theoretically at least. In practice, we were in the clouds. We took the cable car to an intermediate station and then all the way up, but from the intermediate station, the view was better.

Although we weren't there for long, it took us ages due to lots of traffic jams. That's what my mom calls the plural form of traffic jam, and I think it sounds really cute. However, we noticed that we ourselves didn't immediately know the correct plural form ('plural mostly traffic jams' according to Duden, what does 'mostly' mean, either it is or it isn't, well).

Since we woke up so early again today, at half past five, we are very tired. I hope that changes, otherwise I will be wandering through the city half asleep all the time.

~Lenja :)

ចម្លើយ (2)

Hi Lenja, Du machst Dir eindeutig zu viele Gedanken. ;-) Wenn man das Ganze Zuckerbrot genannt hätte, müßte irgendwo auch die Peitsche sein - jedenfalls für die Deutschen. Stell Dir das mal bildlich vor und schon wird der Hut sehr viel angenehmer und unverfänglicher. Der Stau-die Stäue-Stäunis , was sehr an Fäulnis erinnert und das passiert, wenn man sich zu lange in sowas befindet. Euch jedenfalls eine aufregende Zeit und das mit dem Halbschlaf gibt sich, ihr seid ja noch nicht lange da. Viele Grüße von allen hier und wir freuen uns auf weitere Einträge. Bis bald ;-)) M

Dankeschön :) Mittlerweile in Peru und einer Zeitzone weiter bin ich auch nicht mehr den ganzen Tag müde :)

របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ ប្រេស៊ីល
#pãodeaçucar #zuckerhut#zuckerbrot?#rio
