Hanoi, no.8473

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 12.11.2018

Hello girls and boys

Today there isn't much to report.

We arrived in Hanoi at 5:30 am this morning. The night was better than last time traveling by train, but well, it's still train travel, so restful sleep is something else 😂. At the train station, we were first attacked by 572,826,272 Vietnamese people who wanted to offer us a taxi. Since we are such sunshines in the morning hours, especially after getting up, we were naturally overjoyed (NOT) 😇🤦🏽‍♀. Well, we then made our way to our hostel. It is located in the old quarter of Hanoi, right next to the nice bar street. The hostel looks really cool, with a nice chill out area. After breakfast, we chilled there for a while, as check-in was not until 1 pm.

After watching a few episodes on Netflix (we will soon finish this series 😂), we wandered around aimlessly, looking for a pharmacy because we still needed insect repellent (Lara got a few bites, not so cool 🤓😂). Buuuut we found one. After that, we went for coffee because we had plenty of time and nothing to do 😂. Back at the hostel, we could finally check in and take a shower 🙏🏽. After lying in bed for what felt like 2 hours, we went out again and had a drink, neither of us really felt like doing anything else. We quickly went back to the hostel to watch Netflix (product placement and all that). We have now prepared our things for tomorrow, we are going to Ha Long Bay 🧜🏾‍♀🌊 and now it's off to beeeeed .

So then, good night, sleep well 🤙🏾

ចម្លើយ (3)

Na hoffentlich habt ihr dann auch die Badeklamotten und ne Taucherbrille eingepackt 🤔😄 Dann mal "une bonne nuit" und machts beeeeesseeeer 👍

Morgen wäre ich gern dabei 🦈🐡🐠🐟

Jaaa aber sicher 😎😎😎

របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ ប្រទេសវៀតណាម
