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បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 21.06.2018

Last night we went home. Since it was warm all day, we didn't leave until evening. In the car, Mom fought with the setting sun and various annoying flies. Then it slowly became quiet. The children were sleeping. Dad was driving on autopilot mode. Mom desperately tried to stay awake. Around 2 o'clock we arrived at Grandma&Grandpa's in Riesa. Everyone went to bed, because in the morning we had to clean up the caravan. So everything out and scrub, scrub, scrub.

The sand is knocked out of the beds. We find shells again. It still smells a bit like vacation. We drove almost 4000 km. The impressions need to sink in first. We feel refreshed and hope that this feeling won't immediately fade next week.

Thanks to everyone for following the blog. Sorry for the spelling mistakes (blame it on autocorrect) or the strange wording sometimes (it was sometimes late, or the children were jumping around me, or the internet connection was terrible).

ចម្លើយ (1)

Wow, da habt ihr ja viel gesehen und ich bekomme auch gleich wieder Lust auf eine Rundreise :-)

របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ អាល្លឺម៉ង់
