
Overnight to Mother City Cape Town

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 16.01.2018

It was time on the first of January. My flight to Cape Town via Addis Ababa was scheduled to depart at 1:45 am. Being at the airport three hours before departure on an international flight has always proven to be a good idea. Most people arrive between two and a half to two hours before departure. Not so for this flight.
It already felt like the entire plane had lined up in front of the still closed check-in counters of Ethiopian Airlines. Mostly extended families who seemed to have brought half of their household belongings on the journey and were already a bit confused at this late hour. So it took a while. But as a result, the mother got a seat at the emergency exit on both flights. So waiting is worth it.
So quickly through security and immigration and then onto the plane. Watch a movie and have dinner. After that, I actually managed to sleep for four hours straight. Another film for breakfast and a warm welcome to Addis Ababa.

The airport catastrophe. After an eight-hour flight, all you want is to quickly visit the bathroom and pass the one-hour wait for the connecting flight with a coffee.
There were two toilet containers as bathrooms. Quick in, quick out. However they got them into the airport building. Next dilemma: No coffee shop in the transit area. Well, just enjoy the sunrise without coffee.

The hope that breakfast would be served relatively quickly after take-off dies last. And it did. There was a sandwich, not too bad, but no coffee. "We only serve coffee on the second service." So after lunch... x.x

Apart from my strong desire for a caffeinated hot drink, this flight was also relaxed and very good, except for this small service faux pas.

Since my plane was actually the only one that landed at the arrival time, immigration and baggage claim went relatively quickly.

At the airport, the mother quickly got a SIM card and then off to the private transfer to the hostel. Right on Long Street and at the foot of Table Mountain.

Long Street is one of the party miles in Cape Town. Accordingly, I only survived the nights with earplugs and a sleep mask. These utensils are worth gold. However, they don't cancel out the booming bass from the club in the neighborhood.

Since the mother was exhausted, she only quickly ate something and then had a good sleep.

In the morning, I slept in, had breakfast, and then took a leisurely stroll through the city.

The main destination was the Waterkant district. The former district of homosexuals, butchers, bakers, and prostitutes.


This district has experienced a great upswing in recent years and offers many small and quiet holiday apartments.

My exploration tour took me even further to the Waterfront and Victoria Wharf district. But since the afternoon was already well advanced, I decided to go back to the hostel and cook for the first time in a long time.

And as hostels do, the mother got to know a lot of people.

On Thursday morning, I went to the sightseeing program in Victoria Wharf, Waterfront, Green Point, and Sea Point.

A wonderful walk of about four and a half hours.

Victoria Wharf

Green Point

Sea Point

On the way back, I actually wanted to have a coffee at Cafe Manhattan, the oldest gay cafe in Cape Town. But unfortunately, Montezuma's revenge caught up with me. So much for "health in the new year". Sometimes it seems that a pathogen manages to slip through my security measures. Okay, then just a round of charcoal tablets and fasting, which definitely helped quickly. Short and intense, please!

After a day of rest, the mother was feeling fine again and went up Table Mountain with Julian, a Berliner with Rhineland roots, whom I met on Wednesdays. Not by cable car, but on foot via the Skeleton George Trail. Four and a half hours uphill through breathtaking nature and landscape. Start: 6 am, otherwise you will be roasted in the midday heat.


After this strenuous ascent, we took the cable car down. A little luxury was necessary.

Afterwards, I had a hearty breakfast and took a long afternoon nap.

The whole Sunday was a bit rainy. So I put my feet up and activated relaxation mode!

For this reason, on Monday morning, I went up Lion's Head. The ascent is much easier than that of Table Mountain. However, you have to do a little climbing in between.


Once again, you get another wonderful and breathtaking view of Cape Town.
When we talk about Table Mountain and Lion's Head, we're actually talking about mountains that you shouldn't hike alone. So either find someone, like the mother, who climbs the mountains with you, or join a guided tour.

As a mother, I can only confirm that Cape Town rightfully carries its casual name, Mother City. You just feel comfortable here. You definitely need a week to get to know Cape Town a little better. The mother has definitely fallen in love with the city.

For safety:

1. Do not take your cellphone to the streets unless you have an old cellphone with you, like the mother, that can be stolen.

2. Only carry as much cash as you need.

3. No matter how short the distance, always use Uber at night!

4. Leave credit cards, passports, etc. in your accommodation.

From 09.01, I will be driving towards Port Elizabeth. Mother's road trip through Africa. I'm excited to see what South Africa still has to offer.

In this sense: Stay safe!

Have fun and be proud!

Yours, Jan/Mother


#südafrika, kapstadt, waterkant, victoria wharf, green point, sea point, tafelberg, lion's head, sicherheit
