Brisbane & Sydney

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 26.11.2022

08.11.2022 ● Brisbane

Our cruise is almost over. We will reach Australia in Brisbane. We take a taxi to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. It is the largest and oldest koala sanctuary in the world. It was founded in 1927.

At the entrance of the park, there are food bags for kangaroos. We are surprised because we are actually here for the koalas. But let's continue. Completely surprised, on the next meadow, there are friendly kangaroos. We can stroke and feed them.
It's amazing to stroke these bundles of muscles. They are so soft and are all around us.

Even the smallest ones don't get disturbed during their afternoon nap.

There are several species of kangaroos in the park. The smallest ones are the wallabies, they look gray and stand shyly in the background. On the other hand, the big red giant kangaroos curiously seek contact.

After we can tear ourselves away from the kangaroos, we already see the koalas. Fluffy animals hang in the trees as far as the eye can see. Most of them sleep and cuddle with each other.
Occasionally, they nibble on the leaves.
We take our time and watch the koalas for hours. But that's not all about the park. The animal keeper comes by with a snake on his arm and tells us everything about the animal. We are even allowed to stroke it and it feels so warm and soft. After that, we are shown a lizard whose skin is rough and prickly. With its funny eyes, it keeps an eye on us.

It's crazy how close we are allowed to get to the animals here. Even the dingoes are led on a leash through the park.

But that's not all, in search of the Tasmanian devil, we have to look more closely. Every corner is inspected until we see it lying in the sun at the other end of the enclosure.
The further way through the park leads us past more koalas and the parrots. They can even talk and have a conversation with Benedikt.
The small underwater world provides insights into the life of the platypus. It is so small and swift that we can hardly see it. When it lies in wait for crabs, we can briefly observe it.
There is also a reptile house with snakes and frogs. Through an underground passage, we get a very special view of the crocodile.
Then we are drawn back to the koalas. A crowd of people gathers at the photo point near the koalas. Here you can stroke them and hold them in your arms. This is obviously very popular with the visitors, so all appointments are already fully booked. We continue to watch the koalas as they climb the trees, jump over a branch, and make funny noises.

We had a beautiful day here in the park.

Now we are taking the bus back to downtown. We can buy the ticket directly from the bus driver with the credit card, or at least that's what the internet says. But that's not the case. The bus driver only wants cash. Now we are standing there without money. The bus driver takes pity on us and lets us on anyway.

Arriving in the center, we are greeted by city traffic. Skyscrapers line the river.

Here and there you can see old small houses from the past. They give the city a nice charm.

You can also see that Christmas is just around the corner. But with these temperatures, we don't feel any Christmas spirit.
We walk across the river and take some pictures at the Brisbane letters. From here we have a good view of the skyline.
After a short shopping tour, the sun is already setting. It has been a long and beautiful day.

On the Ship

In the last few weeks, we have enjoyed the service on the ship. There was almost always something to eat, so we could even satisfy our ice cream cravings in the afternoon. We regularly participated in poolside games, where we often won sparkling water, jewelry, and champagne. Swimming in the pool was part of our daily routine. It was also the highlight for the children. For us adults, it was puzzling during happy hour or the evening program with diverse singers, dancers, and musicians.

Shortly before the end of the cruise, we take part in a boat contest. We build an ark out of milk cartons and chopsticks that can carry as much as possible and still look good.

The moment of truth has come. All participants gather at the pool, where the jury is ready. With starting number 5, our boat goes into the water. To test the load-bearing capacity, one can after the other is loaded, but after 11 cans, our ship starts to list and sinks.

After all the participants have had their turn, the jury comes together. The appearance and the load-bearing capacity are evaluated. We actually win 3rd place. It was a fun activity for young and old.

12.11.2022 ● Sydney - Day 1

We have arrived in Sydney! Thus, our cruise ends after 34 days and more than 12,000 km.

We had a lot of fun with my parents. Together, we experienced a lot and created new memories. We will never forget the time and are very grateful for it!

THANK YOU for the time spent together.

Together, we first go to the hotel where we will spend two days. After an endless wait for a taxi, we made it to the wrong hotel. Yes, exactly, there are two Holiday Inn's on one street and we ended up in the wrong one. With all our luggage, we walk over to the other hotel. When we arrive there, a room is already ready for us so we can put our things away. Since we don't want to waste any time, we take the train to the center of Sydney.

We notice what a big city means again along the waterfront. There is a hustle and bustle on the promenade, in the bars, and restaurants.

We fight our way through and finally reach the opera house with a view of the Harbour Bridge. We can admire it not only from the outside but also risk a look inside. Unfortunately, we don't get very far. There is a lot of concrete, glass, and wood here.

Afterwards, we continue to the Botanic Garden. It is beautifully laid out and well-maintained. Behind every hill and around every corner, there is a new variety of plants.

Hightlight of the day is the treasure hunt for a message from acquaintances. They were already here in the city five weeks ago and have hidden some lovely lines.

And indeed, the letter is found, and the joy is great.

Our tour takes us to Hyde Park and St. Mary's Cathedral. Just as we enter, a choir sings beautiful heavenly songs. In front of the cathedral, Christmas trees are decorated in colorful.
As the last point of the day, we visit the Town Hall.

We walk through busy streets where street musicians play their best songs. In the historic mall, we are looking for a restaurant, but unfortunately, it is already closed. So we make a detour to the grill house for burgers.

Another long day comes to an end. But tomorrow we can explore the city with new energy.

13.11.2022 ● Sydney - Day 2

Today starts with rain and cooler temperatures. It doesn't feel like going out. But we make use of the day and take the train to Central Station. It's not as crowded here on a Sunday.

We walk through Belmore Park and explore Chinatown. The picture with the typical Chinatown gate is a must.

Just as we want to enter the Chinese Garden of Friendship, it starts pouring rain.
We take shelter at the fair. There is even a lot going on here. Some visit the tattoo convention and others visit the home and property fair. At the end of the halls, we reach Pyrmont Bay.

Just as we arrive at Pyrmont Bridge, the bells ring and it opens. The highest point of the bridge is simply turned.

There are small and large sailboats in the harbor, we even find a submarine. It belongs to the Australian National Maritime Museum.
We take a break with a short ferry ride around Dawes Point. We drive under the Harbour Bridge and have a sensational view of the Opera House.

When we arrive at Circular Quay, we want to visit the oldest district "The Rocks" as the last point of the day. In doing so, we pass a special exhibition by Louis Vuitton. It is about the designer, the creation of the brand, and the development over the years.

We continue to stroll through the alleys of The Rocks and quickly notice that the neighborhood is characterized by art.

We stroll through the market where there are many handmade products of good quality.

After a glass of beer at the waterfront, our day ends.

The mood is slightly gloomy. Because tonight at the hotel, we have to say goodbye to my parents. While they fly to Singapore tomorrow at noon, we will take the first flight to Darwin, in the north of Australia.


របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ អូស្ត្រាលី
