Xikou - Changbin Day 3

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 17.12.2018

12/17/2018 Xikou - Changbin 90km

I found it difficult to get ready in the morning as it sounded like it was raining outside all night. The view through the window confirmed that. Everything was covered in fog with a constant drizzle. By 9:30 am, I was ready to go. I can hardly write anything about the first 40km. My gaze was often on the highway, which went straight and was wet. However, I had a pleasant wind, which made it not too tiring. In Ruisui, I made my first stop at 7/11. After that, I turned east and left the bicycle route #1 for the first time. I decided to ride along the coast and breathe some sea air. The 22km through the gorge to the sea was an up and down with fantastic views of the gorge from various angles. I enjoyed the uphill as well as the downhill. In the end, an rather unspectacular bridge and a Taiwanese, photo enthusiastic tour group awaited me.

The stretch along the coast between Fengbin and my hostel in Chaikin was 25km. It's hard to describe in words and the photos don't do justice to what I saw. The vastness of the sea and the contrast of the green mountains directly behind it were overwhelming. One of the most beautiful scenes I have ever experienced riding a bicycle. In the evening at the hostel, the very friendly couple who owns it gave me dumplings. I had already stocked up on breakfast at the nearby 7/11 and bought 2 Taiwan beers. The owner also gave me a homemade rice/cinnamon schnapps. An amazing day and my body feels good. The landscape impressions from today will be hard to beat. But I am more than happy to be proven wrong.

Best regards to everyone

From today, the map with travel time should also be correct

The route map



របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ តៃវ៉ាន់
