Stage 85: From Jannat Abad to Kashan

បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ: 26.04.2022

Flo and Gisi had already spent a night in a hostel in Kashan, Gabriel and I wanted to catch up today. It was only about 80 kilometers away. On the way, we met some Iranian cyclist colleagues who used the last few days of Nowruz for a bike tour. Unfortunately, Gabriel's knee got worse and worse, so he had to continue by hitchhiking after about half. But I was able to quickly complete the rest of the route and it wasn't long until we met again. In the beautiful hostel, we had a four-person room for ourselves, so that was perfect! Later in the evening, the four of us were able to visit the impressively illuminated Agha-Bozorg Mosque and wander around the old town. We ended the whole thing in a restaurant with good food, a great atmosphere, and live music. I could have stayed in Kashan for another day, but I also wanted to make progress with the bike.


របាយការណ៍ធ្វើដំណើរ អ៊ីរ៉ង់