Mein Auslandssemester in Mexiko
Mein Auslandssemester in Mexiko

01/08 - Arrival in Cancun after a long journey

Გამოქვეყნდა: 03.08.2017

After a ten-hour flight to Houston, a five-hour layover in Houston, another two-hour flight from Houston to Cancun, trouble-free entry and security check at the airport in Cancun, and a 1.5-hour ride in a Colectivo (Mexican shared taxi) from the airport to our hotel, we had finally made it.

We were extremely tired and longing for a shower, but at the same time we were starving. That's why we went around the corner to a Taqueria: there, on our first evening, we got to enjoy guacamole, nachos, and tacos - delightful! And of course, we couldn't miss the Corona beer ;-)

Nachos and guacamole
Nachos and guacamole


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