Still Auckland

Გამოქვეყნდა: 06.10.2016

Today - Wednesday - we slept in and then had a leisurely breakfast.

We walked around Auckland and then met Celina from our hostel, she just arrived yesterday - so we asked her if she wants to come to Devenport with us, we arranged to meet at 3pm (an hour later) and then took the ferry for $12 (including return).

We walked along the coast in Devenport and then went up a small hill/mountain and enjoyed the view & the sun that finally came out.

Then we wanted to go to Mt Victoria.

On the way there, Cynthia needed to use the bathroom so we looked in the CamperMate app for a public toilet - where one was marked, we couldn't find any, so I asked a woman (who had gone to get something to eat with her 3-5 year old daughter) if she knows where we can find a toilet - she said the nearest one is at the harbor and that we can come with her to use hers - then we wouldn't have to go all the way back.

Her house was very cute - as far as we could judge - and looked cozy and somehow homely.

We actually wanted to watch the sunset on Mt Victoria but it was too cloudy and it got very cold so we went back and took the ferry around 8:30pm.

In the hostel, we cooked - pasta with tomato sauce - at least we thought we bought tomato sauce but it turned out to be a pack of ketchup - hardly edible in the amount we poured over our pasta... As they say, 'learning by doing'?

In the evening, we sat in the TV room and watched Oceans 11 with 2 other Germans from the hostel.

