Tag 1: Kempen -Buldern, 113 km

Გამოქვეყნდა: 19.05.2022

Early start of the day. Due to the announced thunderstorm and heat during the day, I decided to start at 6 am.

First passing through the beautiful Lower Rhine region, past Kloster Kamp, then along the Rhine levee to Wesel. From Wesel, I took the old track of the Hamburg-Venlo railway. This route once connected Paris with Hamburg. Unfortunately, the section from Wesel to Haltern am See has not been a railway line since 1962. But it has a beautiful bike path, which I had been looking forward to for a long time. After 90 km, a break was due in Haltern am See. The last 22 km for today were very relaxed.

So far, everything went well. The weather was not too hot, and the light wind, sometimes even at my back, was quite pleasant. Let's keep going.


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#wesel #radreise#radfahren #niederrhein

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