It's me, hi!

Გამოქვეყნდა: 20.07.2023

July 19th 2023

Hello there!

It's actually so nice to finally do this. It's a literal dream come true but anyway. I already went on several vacations all over Central Europe but never really shared anything about these journeys with anyone.

So now after I finally graduated I actually started making plan not only for the summer ahead of me but also... life I guess.

But let's start at the very beginning. Hi, so pleased to meet you, my name on the internet is Anna and I actually really enjoy travelling or at least visiting new and exciting places. Currently I'm 19 and just graduated what could be described as high school.

So maybe it's natural for someone as young (and naïve) as me to want to see as much of the world as possible before 'responsibilities tie me down' if we're being dramatic.

So far I've been to Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Greece and the UK and passed through Belgium and France (we come back to that particular topic later). And Germany of course because I live there! (don't come for me because I'm German and no, I'm not from Bavaria although I actually live close to its 'border'). Maybe I even do a throwback post some day about these trips which I had mostly with my family and friends (obviously).

So needless to say being young and broke means we do things differently around here than 'actual' adults would. Or you just so happen to be friends with someone who excels at booking cheap hotels and especially ICE tickets. You're going to meet her soon enough because well, this person happens to be my best friend (and she'll be and always is in so much of the footage I take when travelling but anyway).

I'm really excited right now because we actually got something planned.

Remember when I said we were getting back to the France topic? Well, I didn't take French back in school (which I regret) and there is this persistent prejudice about the French that they only speak French and nothing else, so I was naturally terrified to go there on my own, but still kept looking there wistfully, so to speak.

But lucky me is friends with someone who happened to have taken French classes up until graduation so here I am prepping for my very first trip to France tomorrow!! How exciting (and way less terrifying)!

We'll be getting on an ICE from Frankfurt to Paris in the wee hours of tomorrow morning (July 20th) and I'm really glad to be able to share this and future journeys!

Fortunately, we could spend a night at a friends place in Frankfurt to save us unnecessary stress on the morning of departure (hopefully).

If you're interested in pictures or even videos feel free to check out my instagram!

Lots of love,

Anna📍in Frankfurt


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