
Oasis Park

Diterbitake: 05.11.2017

Off we went on a day trip. The free shuttle to Oasis Park came at nine in the morning. Only half full - it's the off-season. The air conditioning in the bus was set to -20 degrees. Brrr... After an hour of driving, we arrived. The bus driver said the return trip is at 5:30. A brief sigh of 'what should we do here for so long?' At the entrance, we immediately spent 100€. Mom booked the lemur tour as an extra. Some shows were free, some had to be paid for. We took advantage of all the free ones... parrots, reptiles, birds of prey. Everything was done very well in a beautiful landscape. Animals to touch, feed giraffes, and lemurs hopping on us.

Time flew by. We didn't even see everything...

Two temper tantrums later (didn't want to walk, no ice cream), we're back on the bus. It's freezing cold inside again.

Both kids are asleep. It's 6pm. Only parents understand the tragedy in this sentence.

To wear out the kids in the evening, we'll have dinner later. Then we'll go to the beach to collect seashells and go to the mini disco, which Philip thinks is totally uncool. Jule rocks out a little to 'I like to move it move it'... And then it's off to bed.

Today was already the last full day. Pretty uneventful. The kids are satisfied with the pool and ice cream, the parents with coffee and sangria.

Tomorrow, we'll fly back at 5pm. We still have a little time left before we're back in the cold...
