
Que te vaya bien

発行済み: 20.07.2017

In Colombia and also in other parts of South and Central America, visitors and friends are bid farewell with the words: Que te vaya bien! It translates to 'may you go well'. It's actually a beautiful wish that should be given especially to travelers.

It all started with a relaxed morning with a fun game of 'Catch the Cockroach' at 4:00 am and continued an hour later at the bus station in Neiva.

Fortunately, we had reserved the bus to Popayan a day earlier and chosen our seats. But we ended up getting a completely different, smaller bus that was suitable at best for city traffic, but not for a journey through the Andes.

View of the Andean region...priceless
View of the Andean region, despite all the adventures, it is incredibly beautiful.

Life expectancy seems to be very high here, or the population very low.
And the power lines in the landscape greet us daily

A successful trip... 
A child peeing in their pants behind me, a man eating garlic sausage across from me, a sleeping fellow passenger next to me, a mostly moderate gravel road beneath me, landslide on the left window, and curious guys on motorcycles on the right... 
and me, sleepless for 12 hours instead of the planned 6, and finally (since it's not an off-road bus after all), actively watching the tire change in the middle of nowhere....

At first I wondered how the mechanic arrived so quickly until I realized that our driver had just changed his clothes for the tire change.
At first, I was surprised how the mechanic arrived so quickly, until I realized that it was just our driver who changed his clothes for the tire change.
A village in the middle of nowhere in the Andes. A brief lunch break.
In the Andes, you only find asphalt on roads in the villages or near cities.

The great thing about traveling is that no matter how tiresome the journey is, you are always rewarded with something amazing at the end of the day. And amazing comes in many variations....

For example... A cat in your bed...
a 1 1/4-liter bottle of cola in the supermarket
a Colombian meat feast....
or the sunset in the city where you eventually arrived. 

And about the disgusting story it has, I'll tell you next time.....

