
03.01 Te Kuiti, New Plymouth, Regen, 165km, 17 Grad, Abends lau, windstill

Birt: 04.01.2017

Unfortunately, it's raining when we wake up. We had planned a hike to the nearby waterfalls. That's now out of the question. We head towards New Plymouth on the west coast. After about 60km, we reach the coast. Arrival in New Plymouth around 2:00 pm. It is the largest city in the Taranaki region. Gas and oil have created many jobs here. Visitor Information with a great exhibition of insects, among others, and then drive to the overnight spot. Find a freedom camping spot right by the sea. View of the surf. Meanwhile, the rain has stopped, so we take a walk on the beach back to the Visitor Information. We go to bed quite early. We are all really tired.
