
Cloud 9

Ebipụtara: 02.04.2018

On the second day, we even manage to get up at 8 o'clock. First, we 'get' to have breakfast. Eating warm food in the morning, for someone who normally never eats breakfast, is very unusual. After we finish, we go to a market in the city, of course with the tricycle.


In the Tricycle
In the Tricycle

It is a market for clothes, where Debbie's cousins like to go shopping because everything is very cheap. It is damn hot, because everything is set up under a tent. We start to sweat and are always happy when we are outside for 2 minutes to catch some air. There are loads of fake things, even clothes with the H&M logo printed huge on them. Coleen finds a jumpsuit, Marc and I find it too exhausting and we are glad when it continues.

Cousin Jhoy is with us today and has the idea to go to Cloud 9, a hotel and restaurant with 2 viewing platforms. We decide to take a jeepney there. But first, we have to cross the street. Oh no, 2 sides with 3 lanes and a lot of traffic. Whoever honks has the right of way and zebra crossings are just white stripes on the road, nothing more.

Gathering all our courage, we cross. Alive and with all limbs intact, we wait for our means of transport.


It is usual to simply pass the money for the ride forward, towards the driver.

how many people can fit in a jeepney?
how many people can fit in a jeepney?

After a loud and fun ride, we arrive at Cloud 9. First, we have to walk up the hill a bit, where the 1st viewing platform is at the restaurant, with a wide view over Manila and the suburbs. On the platform, it is clear that it is too warm in the sun for the Filipinos. Just quickly take a photo and quickly go back inside.

Now it's even higher for us. After waiting for what feels like 10 hours and almost sweating to death, we go up a suspension bridge to a 360° platform. Only 15 people are allowed on the bridge at a time, and in the groups in front of us, a few have already turned back because they were scared.

Now it's our turn, show the tickets and off we go. Marc of course goes forward and backward to take pictures. Cedee is afraid of heights and chokes on his chewing gum halfway through.

Once we reach the top, we watch the next groups and take pictures.

It feels like everyone takes selfies here. With a great view of the surroundings, it's a great place to take a break.

There are locks on the fence, 'LoveLocks' like in Cologne, just not as many. We decide to go back down.

On the way back, we have to switch from jeepney to jeepney several times. Debbie bumps her head. Her own fault, she didn't make herself small enough. Speaking of small, Marc is almost a head taller than the majority here, and blond, of course, children sometimes look at him as if he were an alien.

We drive to the shopping mall to get some food. It's Fried Chicken again, but this time in a restaurant. To mine and Marc's delight, there is banana ketchup on the table. We already bought it in Germany. Yes, you heard right, ketchup made from bananas and then dyed red. Ask the Asian store around the corner if they have any and try it yourself.

When we come back, there is another surprise waiting for us. Debbie's uncle Alvin is visiting briefly and brought cheesecake. Oh no, not more food... But it was totally delicious.

An exciting day comes to an end and this time we are already in bed at 10:00.

Tomorrow we will continue with a 3-day trip to Bataan (where Allan, Shiela, Cedee, and Coleen usually live). We are already looking forward to it and will report back when we are back.



Akụkọ njem Philippines