
Table Mountain and return flight

Diterbitkan: 01.05.2018

Shortly after writing and posting the last entry on Saturday, I decided to make one last attempt to climb Table Mountain before my flight in the evening and I wouldn't have another opportunity! The weather was also perfect! Bright sunshine and not too hot or cold. So I called an Uber and had it take me to the lower cable station. When I arrived there, they said the cable car was not operating today due to strong winds. So I would have to walk up AND down... But I still had over 5 hours and a tour would take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. So with walking back down, it would be about 4 hours. I took the risk and started walking. Halfway through the journey, I was so exhausted that I had to take breaks, as it was steep and strenuous. And I kept looking at how much I had already accomplished and how much was left ahead. Wow, I've done so much already? But how much more is left? The path up to the plateau seemed never-ending... And I would have to climb down all of that too? Oh my God, I was already looking forward to it... After nearly 2 hours, I finally made it to the top. It wasn't as windy as I expected. Well, there was a gentle breeze, but we were on top of a mountain! And it was quite cool up here! But the view was breathtaking! The Lion's Head, which we had climbed the week before, looked tiny from here! But everything was closed up here, the cable station, bistro, souvenir shops, everything! So I already prepared myself to climb back down... I ate the pie I bought down below to energize myself, drank some water, and was about to start again when I suddenly saw staff up here. I asked if there was still a chance that the cable car would be running today? Yes, it will be running again today! Oh cool! From what time? From now! Yay, I can ride down and don't have to walk anymore! =D So I got my ticket and headed to the cable car! I was in the first group allowed to ride down that day! =)

Now I had a few hours to shower and relax at the hostel before leaving. At 5 PM, I said goodbye to all my new friends I made here and took an Uber to the airport. I arrived way too early, quickly went through baggage drop-off and all the security checks, and had 1 1/2 hours until boarding. So I sat in a bistro, had dinner, and surfed the internet on my phone.

On the flight to Dubai with Emirates, I had the window seat, the middle seat was empty, and a, presumably, Arab man was sitting on the aisle seat. In any case, he was a really weird guy! When I needed to go to the bathroom, he wouldn't get up to let me pass, like you normally would, no, I had to climb over him! Great! He kept calling the flight attendants to order more alcohol. (Probably not an Arab/Muslim after all) When he wanted to take a nap, he lay across his and the empty middle seat and tried to use my armrest as a headrest. No way buddy! I have to climb over you to get up and you want to steal my armrest? No way! 'Accidentally', I bumped my leg against the armrest and my elbow against his head. Oops, but I'm sorry! And just like that, he didn't want to use my armrest as a headrest anymore! Well, the 8-hour flight somehow passed and we landed in Dubai. Now I had an hour to get from our plane to the next one, for the onward flight to Frankfurt. First, I had to find out where to go... Gate A10! Okay, how do I get there? Ah, this way! A 10-15 minute walk, elevator up, train station? It continued by train to Gates A1-AX. And then still a bit of walking. I arrived just in time for boarding! We flew on a large A380. This time, I had the aisle seat and an older Austrian couple was sitting next to me, returning home from a cruise. The advantage was that I didn't have to bother anyone when I needed to go to the bathroom. The disadvantage was that I got bumped into about 50 times by people walking along the aisle to go to the bathroom themselves! Now I don't know what's better, a window seat where you can look out the window from time to time, especially during takeoff and landing in daylight, you're not bumped into, but you have to ask your seatmates if you can get out to go to the bathroom. Or you even have to climb over them! Or an aisle seat, where you can easily get up when needed, but you also have to let others get past you, can't really look out the window, and get bumped into 50 times by everyone passing by? I'd rather have the window seat! The 1-2 times I have to get out are manageable!

We landed safely in Frankfurt at around 1 PM. At the baggage claim, they announced that the suitcases would be delivered on 2 belts due to the number of them. So I had to keep an eye on both belts, not knowing where my suitcase would come out. And it took and took, and my suitcase was not there... I thought, after rushing to get from one gate to another in Dubai, did my suitcase make it in time? It would be just my luck if my suitcase is still somewhere in Dubai and I have to arrange for it to be sent to my home! But then it was there! Phew, I got lucky! I went outside to the pickup area and 5 minutes later, Beate, Frauke's mother from Windhoek, was already there to pick me up and drive me home. =)

And just like that, 3 weeks of travel flew by and you wonder, where did the time go again?? But well, the next trip will surely come! =P


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