Dance through the rice terraces ^ ^ (Day 153 of the world trip)

Հրատարակվել է: 04.02.2020


For our last day trip on Bohol, we chose the rice terraces of Mayana. There are several large rice terraces on the island, but these seemed to be the easiest to reach ;-)

So we went to the bus station around 8:00 am and asked for a bus to the city of Jagna. From the internet, I knew that there is a bus that costs 60 pesos per person, but when we asked on the spot, we ended up in a minivan.

The van looked pretty new, was air-conditioned, and would take us to Jagna for 100 pesos. Since the difference in euros was so small, we didn't try to find the bus anymore, but got in ^^

Similar to the jeepneys, they wait here until the vehicle is full. And the collectors here take that very seriously: D: D

In each row, there are two to three seats, but here, four people always sat in one row. Some had to even get in through the trunk, but the locals seemed to know that and squeezed themselves into the smallest gaps - sometimes sitting half on the lap of strangers.

Yeah ^^ So we had probably been in all vehicles in the Philippines once: bus, ferry, tricycle, jeepney, habal-habal, scooter, and now even a van: D

Since the van is smaller than the bus, it could go even faster than we already knew from the bus. Overtaking was also a specialty and was constantly done at full speed and without insight before the next curve :p

Between Tagbilaran and Jagna are about 50 km and after almost an hour, we finally arrived in the city ^^

Jagna is one of the larger cities on the island, has a port, and even a little bit of tourism :)

Otherwise, it looks like a small town - not a village anymore but already lots of food stalls and betting shops or money exchange offices (which the locals use - not us tourists ;-)).

We were let out at the harbor - our van driver probably thought that we, as tourists, wanted to go to the ferry, but that was no problem because at the harbor, there were also the other vehicles that we wanted to use :)

But first, I wanted to go to an ATM. We still had about 200 pesos (around 4 €) in cash with us, and even though everything is cheap here, that was too little for me to drive into the pampa. A credit card doesn't help with that :p : D: D

Since we are traveling further the day after tomorrow, Jonas didn't understand the need to withdraw money and let me stroll in the wrong direction out of the city before he finally said something, and we turned around ;-)

After a few minutes, we found a bank with an ATM inside. As with all banks here, armed security guards stand at the door. So far, we always avoided these banks, but this time we had no choice because it seemed to be the only ATM in the area :D

The officer kindly informed us that we had to wait outside until the counter itself was free and that we should join the queue - consisting of a local. All right!

When it was my turn, I gave Jonas all the bags to avoid unnecessary searching, and successfully withdrew money :p

After that, we walked back to the harbor where we looked for a jeepney that goes to Mayana. I had read on the internet that there are such jeepneys, but when we asked around a bit, we were always told that you can only rent a tricycle. Hmm. We didn't (financially) feel like it :D

I asked one of the traffic policemen to make sure that we wouldn't be ripped off, but he also told us that no jeepney goes up there :( Instead, he suggested a motorbike and personally took us to the habal-habal stand.

Immediately, we were besieged by the men there who were looking forward to their business^^ It looked like they didn't have much to do often...

I explained that we wanted to go to Mayana to see the rice terraces and maybe hike up to Mayana Peak for the view. After a bit of back and forth, the men agreed on 400 pesos (8 €) total price for the ride up, waiting, and the ride back.

Okay-dokay :D

We got on and started driving, but not up the hill as expected, but first to the city center - to a gas station^^

Unfortunately, the gas station attendant told us that they were out of fuel :O So we had to go to another gas station, and as we drove a bit faster on the straight stretch, it happened:

I lost my cap!!! :O Oh no!!!! I had just bought it in Laos and it was so beautiful

We pointed out the loss to our driver, and he promised to pass by there again after refueling, but to my horror, the cap was gone -.-

So now I have no cap anymore :(

Well, there's nothing you can do about that :p And so it continued for me without a head covering ^^

The ride up the hill was pretty cool. In the middle with the driver in front and Jonas behind me, I feel much more comfortable than the two of us on the scooter, and above all, the view was great again

Bohol also has really beautiful corners ;-)

At one point, we even stopped to take some photos before continuing past palm trees and some villages.

At some point, we stopped, and the driver announced that we had reached the rice terraces. Jonas was a bit surprised and checked the map. We were not in Mayana but at other rice terraces...

But since they still looked beautiful, I convinced Jonas to give them a chance :p

Together with our driver, we then went down a footpath to the terraces. And... as I think, it was worth it!!

As mentioned, we already know rice fields from other countries during the world trip, but it was the first time we saw them in green and yellow

Since Jonas didn't have hiking shoes on, it was slippery for him, but still, I was the one who stepped ankle-deep into the mud twice :D: D

We took pictures of both the terraces themselves and the scenery around them. Our driver even took a few pictures of Jonas and me, and overall, it was quite funny :)

The way up was quite exhausting, and I felt a bit better when the driver sat down and announced that we would take a short break. So at least I wasn't the only one who found the ascent exhausting! :D: D

Since we had already seen terraces, and we only had half the way to Mayana left, Jonas considered that we didn't need to drive all the way to Mayana anymore, and he was somehow right ;-)

Instead, he suggested stopping at a waterfall, which more or less lies on the way, and when we informed our driver about the change of plans, he nodded, but looked a bit unhappy.

The waterfall was quite pretty, but unfortunately, there wasn't much water in it :( In the rainy season, the basin is deeper and you can even jump into the water from different points, but today we only saw a puddle with ducks and a small "pool" with a lot of white deposits - everything here is very calcareous...

Since we couldn't swim, we didn't stay at the waterfall for long and were quickly driven back to Jagna.

The driver dropped us off at the harbor at McDonald's, and I took out the money. Of course, I only got big bills from the ATM again. The driver allegedly couldn't change a 500-peso bill, but he suggested that since we had also gone to the waterfall, it would only be fair to pay more.

Rightfully, Jonas got a little angry. He remained calm but reminded the driver that he had only driven half the distance now, and we would still pay the same price. It wouldn't be right to ask for more now.

I actually liked our driver, and sure, it's his earning, but I find it really annoying that he asks for more money than necessary so brazenly :p

As a solution, Jonas went into McDonald's for a moment and bought a portion of fries so that we could exchange the 500-peso bill for smaller ones :D

Then the driver received his 400 pesos and drove away ;-)

Jonas and I enjoyed the fries with ketchup and then went out to aim for destination 2 for today: a beach 4 km from the city center.

It is located directly on the main road and in the direction of Taligbaran, so we had already passed it in the morning with the van. So we went out and asked the jeepneys for Tagbilaran, but they shook their heads. "Other side" they said, so we went to the other side.

Luckily, there was already a bus waiting there. We asked the collector if he would stop at the beach and he nodded, so we got on.

But since the bus was still almost empty, we naturally waited for a few more people to get on ;-)

While we were waiting, Jonas and I realized that the fries had made us hungry now :D We planned how we would eat at the beach, but the more we talked about it, the more it became clear that neither of us really felt like going to the beach :D: D

When the bus finally started driving, we decided to simply drive back to Tagbilaran and treated ourselves to a pear and cookies while driving ;-)

The bus ride took almost as long as with the van, although the bus was not driving as fast, but maybe it was because we had three seats for the two of us, and it was actually quite comfortable like that :p

A while ago, we were at the mall one last time, where we each treated ourselves to a pizza, and Jonas was so full afterward that he didn't even want dessert :O (and that also meant that I didn't get one either because we have cookies at home :D: D).

Now we rest because the next few days will all be travel days :O


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