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Հրատարակվել է: 19.05.2017

I am currently sitting on the balcony of my bungalow, my baby is already sleeping peacefully in the big bed. It is slowly getting dark.

I look up at the sparkling starry sky, yellow glowing fireflies fly by, and I listen to the nocturnal insect sound concert while skillfully eating my Pad Thai with chopsticks (even in the dark).

While for many, the day is coming to an end, for me it's somewhat just beginning. Because now it's 'Me-Time' (which all parents probably know). So I put my dishes in the sink, wash a few clothes by hand, do my evening yoga exercises, and sit down at the computer.

Let's review the day once again.

Get around with a motorbike is the best thing to do.

Today we took a trip to the canyon, of course with the motorbike. Thai-style, of course. And that with a short shocker, when suddenly a honking truck came towards me on my lane. I didn't believe my eyes, we have left-hand traffic here. So I hit the brakes, automatically put my feet on the ground, but my slippers just shuffled along the sandy ground. I turn further to the right and luckily he also moved to the right side, to his correct lane. Of course, all of this happened in a split second. I think to myself, Thailand is known for its motorbike accidents for a reason. Anyway, everything went well. And as it is when you're traveling, you move on and enjoy the wind.

To celebrate the day, my baby is 5 months old today, we had a delicious vegan cake. Of course, I got the whole piece.

When you really live in Pai, you order your food like this.

In the evening, we went to the Walking Street. A small but long street in the middle of Pai. On the left and right, there are delicious food stands.

The food is prepared right in front of your eyes, and often in a 'slow-style.'

And this is how you order food:

'Pad Thai, without sugar, without oil, without fish sauce, with tofu and vegetables, but no onions. And please put it in my own box for take-away.'

Yes, I have my own box that I bring along to have less waste.

Just because you are a Trash Hero and Healthy Freak.

...and then it's bedtime for me as well.

