DAY 5 Sometimes i wish i were an angel

Հրատարակվել է: 14.10.2016

DAY 5 Sometimes i wish i were an angel

Good morning everyone and welcome to Day 5 of our little road trip across the USA J

When you wake up in the morning, our day is coming to an end, so it's the perfect time to review all of our experiences.

If you are reading this, then we are lying in bed with a big beer and complaining about our feet, which are starting to look a bit worse for wear. One thing is for sure: the trekking shoes from Aldi were worth every euro :D

If we didn't have them, today would have been much more exhausting and painful than it already was.

This morning, we set off for Zion National Park around 8 o'clock, but not before buying 2 large cups of good American coffee: our life elixir at the moment ;)

Upon arrival at Zion, we randomly ran into Megan, who greeted us with a loud "Hey Guys!" Megan (from San Francisco) has also booked a room in our house for 2 nights and is practically our roommate. Another reason to definitely tackle today's tour together. Because today we went up, and when I say up, I mean up.

Before us lay one of the most famous, but also most demanding hiking routes that can be done in Zion: Angels Landing

We were told that Angels Landing is so high that supposedly only angels can land on it... but only supposedly!!!

So we quickly packed our backpacks, filled up our water bottles, and shook out the last little stone from our shoes, and off we went. We had several altitude meters ahead of us and an elevator was nowhere in sight. So we trudged along and had to take a few breaks at the beginning. Who says hiking is only for seniors? On the way up, we met people of all ages and nationalities, and everyone had one goal: to make it all the way to the top. Everyone cheered each other on and watched out for each other, because on both sides there were often 200-300 meters straight down without any safety measures. We had no choice but to turn off our minds and not look down.

After nearly 2 hours, we finally reached the summit of the mountain, but to get to the famous Angels Landing, there was still a more or less small hurdle to overcome. The last 500 meters were the most difficult and above all the most dangerous. Since 2004, 6 people have died here because they simply fell into the abyss, no wonder because at some points the path was only 40 cm wide and there was only a chain to hold onto, behind it there was nothing but air for another 500 meters.

Miro and Megan were super brave and mastered the ascent without any problems, here I have to say again: I am very proud of you!!!!!!!! Because I have to admit, it was a bit too extreme for me on that day, I just wasn't in the right condition, but next time for sure. I am all the more proud of the other two!! Proof photos are, of course, attached. The view and the feeling of having made it must have been breathtaking. While I was waiting for the others, I was suddenly appointed the Chipmunk Whisperer by the other hikers, because apparently they all found my apple really delicious! I wasn't paying attention for a moment and the apple was gone.

With somewhat solid ground under our feet, we headed back down towards the valley. On the way, we came across a couple from Germany and our little group of 3 was expanded on the spot, and we decided to have dinner together in the evening.

What's funny is that we have now met so many people on our journey who apparently have the same itinerary as us.

After a second, less spectacular route to the Emerald Pools, we finally went to the well-deserved dinner at the "Spotted Dog Café", finally we all had time to exchange ideas and give each other tips for the next destinations. Exhausted but happy, after a short farewell from the other two for Megan, Miro and me, we made our way back to our little gingerbread house. We quickly booked accommodation for the next night, because tomorrow we're moving on! Megan will also move on, unfortunately in a different direction, a few hugs and kisses and off to bed!

Because we all had one thing on our minds:

Sleep and dream of angels ;)


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