Christchurch - end of a journey

Christchurch - end of a journey

We can't really believe it yet, but our three month break is coming to an end. And thus ...

Watch the Whale!

It's time again to send you some photos. Not posting that much lately...

Vom Lake in the Mountains

Now that we've spent so much time on the coast...

Oh! Ah! Maru!

We've been on the road for a while now and...

Wild and beautiful

We made it! From New Zealand's northernmost point...

Days of water

Unfortunately, after a leisurely shopping spree in a local supermarket near Queenstown, we had to re...

Lively Queenstown

Queenstown - after the sleepy west coast, the action capital of New Zealand can...

From the West to the Wild

After our experiences on the glaciers of New Zealand we continued along the West Coast ...

Ոսկու տենդ

Ոսկի՜ Գտնվել է ոսկի! Զարմանալի է, որ այս համբավով մոտ 150 տարի առաջ...

I wish I were a sheep

No, we weren't eaten by orcs, we just didn't have internet for a while. This is what happens when...

On to new shores

Time flies and we have already left the North Island of New Zealand behind us. Today at noon ...

Travel trough time

After seeing what our earth must have looked like a few million years ago in Rotorua,...

Pitch and sulfur

It smokes and bubbles from the earth! The landscape comes to life and generates ....

I'm Going On An Adventure!

As previously announced, we spent some time on the...

Once north and back

It's been a few days now since we wrote our last article from Auckland. In the intervening time...

Finally Auckland!

The time has come: After 1.5 weeks of hard exertion, strenuous journeys and dangerous expeditions in...

Wind and waves

How quickly time flies when you only have a little of it. This is our third day in Sydney...

Welcome to Sydney!

What a culture change! From "cool modernity" to the vibrant city of Sydney. Not only the climate is ...

Bye Bye Singapore

Our time in Singapore is coming to an end and...

The day between two extremes

We have seen a lot of Singapore in the last few days and slowly our feet are starting to smoke. Ther...

Rain in paradise

Just to get this straight, we're still in Singapore. Yes, the city with the...

The change of the night!

What a transformation! As day turns into night, the shape of Singapore transforms. An unforgettable ...

Hello Singapore!

Goodbye Germany! After a flight of around 13 hours, we have landed safely in Singapore and are now ....