On the tracks of a moose

Հրատարակվել է: 30.06.2023

But we have a lot more headlines to offer. The there would be: "Schlierbach meeting" or more "appearance than reality". But one after another…

06/18/2023 (or day 35)

After the last few quieter days, we moved a bit again today. We left our spot and drove towards Andalsnes. On the way we made a detour to the vertical, almost overhanging Trollwand in Trollveggen. At around 1,000 meters, the Trollwand is the highest rock face in Europe.

In Andalsnes we hiked about 8 kilometers to a viewpoint. Andalsnes itself doesn't have much to offer, since the town almost completely lost its old structure during World War II. We drank coffee at the port and watched a Hurtigruten ship leave the port. Oski once again got an outside cleaning and then we occupied our quiet spot by the sea. Towards evening we could watch porpoises in the sea.


Today the visit of Alesund was on the program. Alesund has a viewpoint that can be visited either by bus or taxi or on foot. Of course we opted for the sporty variant and came relatively easily from the stool up the 418 steps to the viewpoint. We enjoyed the beautiful view in bright sunshine and then walked down the 418 steps and visited the rest of the city. After the city tour we filled our fridge again and drove to our next place by the sea. We were amazed by the beautiful place. At least for the time being... Over time we noticed that there were strange "critters" on the table and on our clothes. One tree didn't look so healthy anymore and we suspected that it probably had lice somehow. It wasn't that comfortable anymore and we had to admit defeat to the critters and spent the evening inside Oski and watched the Swiss national team's match. Which unfortunately wasn't that great either...


The morning started with little rain. And even when it rained, these stupid creatures were active. So we left our beautiful place as quickly as possible and drove to the small fishing village of Bud. It was still a bit cloudy, but you could still see the charm of the village. The pretty buildings in the Atlantic, beautiful. Here, too, we ran to the small vantage point, the sun came out more and more and the village and the Atlantic showed their most beautiful side. After Bud we drove along the Atlantic Road towards Kristiansund. The Atlantic Road gave us unique bridges and wonderful views of the coast as well as inland. After the trip we moved into our campsite in Kristiansund and occupied the washing machine and tumbler. We also have to "household" in between.


Before we left our campsite we visited Kristiansund. Kristiansund also lost the old structure during World War II. For us, the place had no real center and no charm. Nevertheless, we had an absolute highlight. Reto was finally able to eat fish & chips for lunch. We walked back to the campsite and met Martin & Evelyn from Spiez. They came from the north and we from the south. So that we could update each other. We then drove on and took up the direction of Trondheim. After a good 2 ½ hours we drove to a campsite and were the first guests... We spent the night at the Baeverfjord with two other "foreigners".


Actually it should rain today. We started the day a bit overcast and drove a good 2 hours to Trondheim. The night before, Reto looked for a suitable and not too expensive parking space. So a free parking space at a nursing home (or something like that). Of course, Heidi had a bad conscience, but Reto didn't mind and occupied a parking space. The place was great, right next to Kristiansten Fortress. We enjoyed the view of the city with great weather and pleasant temperatures (not a trace of rain) and then walked to the village and the old town. We really liked Trondheim, we'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
After an hour's drive, we decided to stop at a cross-country skiing center. The cross-country center is in summer sleep, we would like to stay here for 2 nights.


Rainy day... We used the day to clean the fridge and do various administrative tasks. After the rain we did a waterfall hike of about 2 hours (so that we could move a bit). Later in the evening the nasty little mosquitoes, which are known in Scandinavia, came. We stretched mosquito nets so that they don't stand a chance.


We left the cross-country center today. After that we still had to fill our Oski with drinking water (including for our outdoor shower). We use the Park4Night app for our overnight cookies. Drinking water stations are also displayed in this app. According to the local owner, we got the best water in Norway.
We enjoyed the subsequent hike in Steinkjer of almost 2 hours and got a good view of the region. After shopping, having coffee and driving on to our place, we played a Tschau-Sepp marathon. In the end we went to bed satisfied with a draw.


The weather forecast for the next few days looked excellent. We decided to go to an island and stay there for a few days. No sooner said than done, we went to Aglen. Since the campsite is very remote, we bought the most important things beforehand and arrived at the campsite with incredible impressions of the island. Thanks to our early arrival, we were able to get one of the best spots. We briefly explored the region around the campsite and enjoyed the view of the Atlantic. The plan would actually have been to enjoy the sunset. Here in Aglen the sun sets very late – around midnight. We tried anyway but had to stop because we were eaten by mosquitoes. Stupid things.


Schlierbach meeting…. The motto of the day. But everything from the beginning. The night was very quiet and restful. The campsite owner gave us tips for hiking. So we went on a 2-3 hour hike up the Krona. Plagued by mosquitoes and flies (despite anti-hum) we made the ascent. The view left us speechless. We'll just let the pictures do the talking.
Visitation was announced for tonight at our place. Adi & Laura visited us. They come from the north and drive south and we vice versa. We enjoyed a cozy evening together. Thanks for your visit.


Today we left our beautiful place and moved on. But before that we climbed the Ravnhola (it was also recommended to us by the campsite owner). The hike starts very comfortably before it gets steep only once. In the end, the vantage point had to be climbed with a ladder. Heidi had to leave the comfort zone again. The view was great, but after yesterday's experience, it didn't knock our socks off anymore. We drove on and settled into a cozy spot in Sminesvika. Unfortunately, fog came up and we decided to look at a crime scene again in the evening.


Actually we wanted to move on today, the weather prospects didn't look very great. The clouds cleared while we were having breakfast. So we spontaneously decided to stay one night longer and to strain our feet with a 20 kilometer hike. If only the feet had been strained... We expected a scenic hike along the fjords. Unfortunately, we walked a lot through the forest. Discovered moose tracks. Unfortunately we didn't meet the moose. After a good 4 ½ hours we had earned our aperitif, and Heidi's mood improved again.


After a restless night we woke up (as expected) to cloudy weather. We packed our stuff and took the planned ferry from Lund to Hofles and headed towards Torghatten. When we arrived in Torghatten, the weather wasn't any better. Today was the first day without sunshine after a good six weeks. We can live with that.
To celebrate the day, Heidi opened a can of ravioli for dinner. Or as Heidi's mom always said: Fuuli Husfroue Chochi...


Unfortunately we were woken up by raindrops. After a hearty breakfast with fried eggs (unfortunately not from Bognau) we hiked around the Torghatten mountain and admired Norway's Martinsloch (see picture). Tomorrow (hopefully with better weather) we want to cross the hole. More in the next blog.

Conclusion after 6 weeks in Scandinavia. We like it here very much. But we had a slightly different picture of the Norwegians. There are also some similarities with Italy. The order around the houses and courtyards often leaves a lot to be desired. It seems that almost everyone here is a scrap iron dealer. Because the machines are in the forest, in the middle of the meadow and vegetate there. We haven't found out about Norway's recycling system yet either. But, we still have a few weeks ahead of us in Norway and we will share our latest findings with you again.


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