Day 9: Kumrovec (KR) 73 km/650 hm

Հրատարակվել է: 28.06.2021

Today it was hard to get out of the comfortable bed. I imagined being at home and not pedaling anymore ... my first little low.

Behind Maribor many km along a busy road. Let's see how the day develops. At least I already have accommodation somewhere in the mountains in Croatia.

If it continues like this, I still need a little more time to get to Albania. At least I have now turned from east to south.

The day demanded everything from me. Steep climbs with pushing sections, heat, 40 km of road, trucks, railway line, ...

... and then got the reserved accommodation in a hostel in Kumrovec. Let's see what there is to eat.

Պատասխանել (1)

Georg, je suis très fière de toi. Je peux tout-à-fait comprendre ce que tu as ressenti, l’ayant déjà vécu moi-même dans mes voyages solos, mais tu n’as jamais abandonné. Parfois, la force mentale doit être plus forte que la force physique. Je suis certaine que tu sera récompensé pour tes efforts. Bravo!

Ճանապարհորդական հաշվետվություններ Խորվաթիա