Esther's world trip
Esther's world trip

Búland - the farm and its inhabitants

Հրատարակվել է: 11.09.2018

Պատասխանել (5)

Kommst du doch noch auf den Hund?

I’m really glad and facilitated that you started your first stop of your world trip with, to my impression, complete satisfaction. Whish you go on with it .... 👍

Blame on me, I have to improve my English “wish”

Blame on me: I have to improve my English “wish”

I love animals and your new four legged friends look like a blast. Your horse friend has a great laugh out loud attitude. Was the horse photo taken before, after or while you shoveled your friend's shit? I'm sorry but I can't help but smile as funny thoughts elicited by the laughing horse race through my mind. Also, I know what your verbal response and facial expressions would be to my twisted comments. Life is short, shit happens and we all have to make the most of things with a light heart and lots of laughter. Your professor in disguise, Mr Horse, expressed it beautifully. You are loved for who you are and what your bring to the lives of those you interact with.

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