Seven Cups National Park

Հրատարակվել է: 03.01.2022

15.12. After a leisurely breakfast and coffee in the sun, we pack our seven things and set off. On the way, the cabin owner recommends a good winery to us, Miguel Torres. In the afternoon, we stop by and taste some fine wines. We also have a small bite to eat - delicious! With renewed energy, we continue on to Seven Cups, a national park with waterfalls that overflow from one basin into the next "cup". Unfortunately, our "Gildemeister" can't make it up the hill - the road is too bad (the Gildemeister is at the back of our new car - this time it's a snow-white, sporty new car... a complete contrast to our Jeep) In short, we park further down at the cabins. We are allowed to pitch our tent overnight, hidden away, so lovely! We settle in and then set off on foot to the national park. When we reach the top, we are disappointed: we are too late, they are just closing. And anyway, tickets have to be purchased online, as cash cannot be handled due to Covid. We explain that we don't have internet, which the rangers find rather funny.

So no evening mood photos, we're disappointed and head back. Along the road, there is a fence that has large holes from time to time... that's inviting. We discuss back and forth and decide to go through one of the holes and look for the way on our own - guilty conscience or not. We tiptoe through the forest, find our way, and eventually end up by the river. Now we have to leave our "cover". Somewhere up there, we know, there is a lookout point, so we would be seen.

We decide to give up and pay the park fee tomorrow and enjoy the park. It was still a bit thrilling. ;)

At least we saw 3 tarantulas along the way! The first time in real life and in color. We are delighted and fascinated! In the evening, we are visited by some chickens and two cats, with the older one coming into our tent to relax a bit. Cooking for ourselves again after a long time is a lot of fun!


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