Logbook entry No. 7

Հրատարակվել է: 19.07.2019

EEEEELLLLLCCCCHHHHH, EEEELLLLCCCHHHHH!!!!! Seeing an elk in the wild for the first time is special - but standing in the middle of the road all of a sudden is even more special. Impressive animals with great serenity. We also saw reindeer in front of and next to the car - lovely!

In the past few days, we have crossed from Norway to Sweden. We have been driving on lonely roads with impressive flora and fauna. We stayed in Damman for 2 days and went hiking, we climbed the Drommen :-).

Պատասխանել (2)

Wann kommen die Igel fötteli?😊

Wow, tolle Föteli!

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