
La misa del Papa Francisco - the Pope in Surco

Közzétett: 22.01.2018

After Pope Francis arrived in Peru on January 18, he concluded his 4-day stay in the country today with a mass in the capital city of Lima.

To my great fortune, this mass took place right around the corner from me at a military airfield, so I only had to walk 5 minutes to the entrance instead of having to fight through blocked streets and crowded buses.

The walk ended up being a bit longer than expected this morning, though. Due to the long line that was already waiting at the entrance, I had to walk several blocks to the end.

Over an hour after my arrival, I finally made it onto the grounds. Unfortunately, my seat was far away from the stage, which I could only see through the large screens, but it was directly on the path that the Pope passed by before his mass.

The military grounds
The Base Aérea Las Palmas
                                   There came the Pope
                                    There came the Pope

I spent the day waiting from 6 in the morning under the blazing sun until the mass at 4 in the afternoon, wearing a sun hat, sunscreen, and over 4 liters of water. And I was still one of the latecomers. Many waited 24 hours until the start of the mass to be able to stand at the front.

Then finally, the Pope arrived. Where I had just been in the front row, I was suddenly at the back, because everyone rushed towards the street to see the Pope.

Waiting for the Popemobile
Waiting for the Popemobile

Unfortunately, the Pope's Popemobile drove by so quickly that I didn't even have time for a photo. I followed the mass on the screen before making my way home after a long sunny day.

For me, the mass itself was a regular Catholic mass, and the moment I could see the Pope was too short. But for many others, this day meant joy, happiness, and blessing, and I was able to experience that up close.


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