
Day 3 From Wolfgangsee to Hallstatt to Bad Aussee

Közzétett: 14.08.2022

After a cool and peaceful night in the parking lot of the golf club, we start towards Hallstatt after a coffee.

We were already there last year at a motorhome parking lot right on Lake Hallstatt.

We secure a spot and after breakfast, we set off to Hallstatt by bike.


Thankfully, it's not crowded yet, but the Chinese tourists are already here. (I didn't know that they can travel again). A beautiful place with many stairs and views of the lake. But I hardly believe that many locals still live here.

We disappear back to the motorhome before it gets really crowded here. We sit by the lake for a while before heading to Bad Aussee.

We are allowed to spend a night in the Parkschlössel with Petra and Christoph.

Am Parkschlössel
Am Parkschlössel

The joy of reuniting is as always great.

After a longer greeting sip, we drive to Altaussee where "Berge in Flammen" is taking place tonight.

Alt Ausseer Schuhplattler
Alt Ausseer Schuhplattler

The surrounding mountains are illuminated, there is delicious food and beer, music, and a fireworks display at the end. A truly beautiful evening.

Berge in Flammen
Berge in Flammen


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