Indonesia 2018,Thailand 2022,Bali 2022, Bali 2023
Indonesia 2018,Thailand 2022,Bali 2022, Bali 2023

Kultur Pur

Közzétett: 19.07.2022

It's early, I'm tired and sore. Yesterday evening I went to a Bodypump class, but I was the only non-Asian person there. The trainer decided to only translate every 70th word into English, so I was able to practice my listening skills. Another participant took care of me and we are meeting for yoga at 7:00 PM today.

But first, let's go to the city. We take the bus for 26 cents per person. The bus doesn't have air conditioning, but the door and windows are open.

We get off near the meeting point (like yesterday) and decide to take rice for breakfast from the street stand and eat it at the lakeside promenade. Almost done, at the promenade there are many Japanese people who want to go on a boat tour. We manage to find a spot and enjoy the warm breakfast for about one euro per person.

We take the "express boat" to the Grand Palace - they announce each stop with a loud whistle, and if you want to get on, you have to jump on. Here, too, I take on the role of the old lady. Antediluvian and beautiful at the same time.

At the Grand Palace, Penny takes us on a long tour. Side note: a scarf, like in the temples, is not enough to cover the shoulders. You need a shirt. Penny lends me her jacket, which I sweat through. After the tour of the palace and soaking the jacket, she gladly takes it back and wears it herself ☺️ we share our sweat, yummy.

In the palace - on the entire grounds - we are amazed by the opulence and beauty and learn a lot. For example:

  • - never show your feet to Buddha. Mama Marika sits wrongly and is immediately reprimanded by the staff
  • - Monks only eat twice a day (between sunrise and noon)
  • - And a thousand other points: here is a link to read more

We take a tuktuk - the ride is wonderful (tight) - to Wat Po. Here I learn that, being born on a Tuesday, I belong to the color pink and the reclining Buddha would be my Buddha. And as it should be, the reclining Buddha is the largest Buddha in Wat Po and the third largest in Thailand. At his feet is a circle symbolizing the cycle (108 times) of life and rebirth. 108 - an important number. Known from yoga, for example, where you should actually do 108 sun salutations in the morning (if you have the necessary strength and time).

We feel weak and then go to a food stall. Penny tells me that her brother is lighter than her and is called Dollar. She was teased in school because of her dark skin and her name (Penny being worth less than a Dollar). Her grandma used to scrub her to become whiter. But grandma was also the one who taught her how to fold the lotus flower - Penny showed us this in the Grand Palace. The flower, when folded open, represents an open mind of a person.

Our last stop is Wat Arun. The unique architecture of Wat Arun is significantly different from the other temple complexes in Bangkok. The temple spires, which taper towards the top, are called "prang".

In addition, the facade of the temple is adorned with mosaics made of Chinese porcelain and seashells. Approximately 1 million pieces were used for this, creating countless floral patterns.

According to legend, there was not enough porcelain available to cover the entire facade during the construction of the temple. In order to complete Wat Arun, the king is said to have called on the population to donate porcelain shards to the temple.

The central tower of the temple, called Phra Prang, is the focal point of the temple. The height varies greatly depending on the source. It is usually said to be 67 meters, but some sources claim it is over 80 meters tall.

Steep stairs on the sides of Phra Prang lead up to connect the four levels on which the temple tower can be circumnavigated.

The individual levels are adorned with mystical beings that have a supporting function in the temple facade. The second level is borne by demons, the third level by monkeys, and the top level by celestial beings.

Important stations in the life of Buddha are depicted on the four sides of the second level in a mondop.

We did it - our heads can barely function anymore, the heat is relentless. With thanks, from the bottom of our hearts, we say goodbye to Penny.

Bangkok, honestly, I like you.

It's loud, a fresh breeze is blowing (when you're by the water, ... otherwise I sweat everything out). It's unbelievably hot. The streets are crowded, but clean. Everything is too much, and at the same time very impressive and beautiful ☺️♥️

Válasz (2)

Sehr schön, mein Darling.

Toller Tag und trotz marginaler Englischkenntnisse viel gelernt.