My first exploration tour and the search for a shampoo under 10 S$ led me today along Serangoon Road to a part of Little India. Serangoon Rd. [/uploads/4ec62730-87dd-11e6-aa87-61f17198709e.JPG_large.jpg]Serangoon Rd.Serangoon Rd. [/uploads/4f0b1f70-87dd-11e6-aa87-61f17198709e.JPG_large.jpg]Serangoon Rd. Little India [/uploads/58a85d90-87dd-11e6-aa87-61f17198709e.JPG_large.jpg]Little IndiaLittle India [/uploads/608bddc0-87dd-11e6-aa87-61f17198709e.JPG_large.jpg]Little India The way was full of exciting impressions and in the City Square Mall I not only found what I was looking for but also got satisfied. [/uploads/ec92e1b0-87dd-11e6-aa87-61f17198709e.JPG_large.jpg]