Markus in den Bergen
Markus in den Bergen

Erschöpfung 🥱😴

Közzétett: 05.02.2020

Day 15

The day was really intense 🙈

Today a little insight into our rehab everyday life (not to be compared with a relaxation cure - rather with a stationary hospital stay). 🤪

At 6:30 a.m. our alarm clock rings every day ⏰

Then it's time to get ready for the day.

Sharp at 7:10 a.m. we sit at the breakfast table.

8:50 a.m. the first appointment - Anaphylaxis Training Part 2. But first, I have to take the little one to daycare.

9:50 a.m. end of the training, 10:05 a.m. sports with Markus again, whom I have to pick up from daycare beforehand. Each in a different building... The clinic grounds are like a small village.

10:10 a.m. finally at the gym. Markus had a lot of fun and raced through the gym like a world champion with the balls...

11:00 it was over, quickly rushed to the room, get bathing suits. At 11:15 a.m. Markus was in the almond oil bath. Today mom also thought of the bath toys. 🛀

Then nicely creamed, quickly to the dining room, because it was now lunchtime.

Today it was important to fall asleep quickly, because at 2:15 p.m. the next lecture was waiting. Take Markus back to daycare, big tears 😭 When we waited in vain for well over 20 minutes in front of the room door, it turned out that there was a misprint and the lecture will take place tomorrow.

Well, we had a long afternoon (otherwise Markus likes to sleep well for 3 hours until 4:00 p.m.) and enjoyed the newly fallen snow for 2 hours 👌 I'm still surprised how much I enjoy this time of year

Válasz (1)

Das Gelände ist ja Riesengross, derr Wahnsinn. Da hast Du mehr Ruhe zu Hause. Mein Gott, was für eine Lauferei. Schön das es Markus so gut schmeckt.Der letzte Schnee wird morgen früh weg sein. Bevor am Wochenende das Grosse Sturmtief kommt. Euch wünsche ich für Morgen einen schönen Tag ohne Stress.