
From the Atlantic to the Pacific

Közzétett: 18.06.2024

Hello everyone, we have now reached Vancouver after almost 9000 km. This means we have crossed the entire North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific. After driving 4000-5000 kilometers in solitude, it takes some getting used to driving into a big city again, especially since the traffic jams started 60 km before Vancouver. But Vancouver is a very livable city and is beautifully situated on the Pacific.

The drive on Highway 3 through the Rocky Mountains and the Coast Mountains, about 860 km over many mountain passes, was beautiful and exhausting at the same time. Highway 3 is very accident-prone; we saw several overturned trucks and passed directly by an accident site where a motorcyclist unfortunately died from his injuries. Of course, this really upset us.

Somewhere at a gas station in the mountains, a very muscular, tattooed young man approached us somewhat shyly and asked if he could take a photo of our license plate. He thought it was beautiful, especially because of the holder with the words "Reise Reise" (Travel Travel), a song by the band Rammstein. Our friendly neighbors gave us this license plate holder especially for the trip.

Unfortunately, we have only seen one black bear so far, but on our other vacations we saw many more in 4 weeks. While we used to be rather careless when hiking in the wilderness and only had a knife and a whistle with us at most, this time we bought a professional bear spray (which counts as a weapon here). According to the description, this is also supposed to "work against grizzlies". But we won't be going to the grizzly area until later.

Válasz (3)

Euro Reise, die Berichte und die Bilder macht einen dann doch etwas neugierig auf Kanada. Und das mit den Bären wird sicher auch noch. Ihr seid ja noch eine Weile da.

Hi, wir drücken die Daumen, dass ihr auch für die nächsten Meilen fit bleibt und, vor allem du Matthias, trotz Waffe nicht unbedingt eine Herausforderung mit einem Pelz suchst. Die Hafenbilder sind auch schön. Wir werden am Donnerstag starten. Gute Weiterfahrt.

Hallo ihr beiden, da bekommt man richtig Fernweh...super schöne Fotos und Eindrücke...euch weiterhin eine "bärenstarke" Reise :-)

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