Közzétett: 12.08.2022
From Lalley to Grenoble
- after a magic sunrise above all the fog and mist from the storm at night, I descended into the quite cold, foggy valleys, and climbed all the way up to the sun again 😅(quite weird indeed to feel cold with long sleeves after all those days of Valencian heat...)
- from there I enjoyed a magnificent descend towards Grenoble, admiring more crazy beautiful mountain views on the way
- in Grenoble I unfortunately missed my friend living there, because, of course, he's participating in a bike packing race 🙈 (More specifically this one: https://owaka.live/french-divide-2022/stages
Super crazy!! )
- but still enjoyed exploring the city surrounded with mountains by myself and had the best hummus and baba ganoush in a while!