
7. Going with the flow

Közzétett: 20.03.2023

After the failed exploration of the nightlife the day before, I really wanted to give it another try on my last night in Krakow. I went from the hangout with Sergey, one of the couchsurfers from the hangout, back home and met Christina, Alvaro, and several other people there. They were trying to learn the game exploding kittens, which only more or less succeeded.

The original plan was to go neon mini-golfing, but as always in a large group, it got delayed. When we finally arrived there, we had to realize that the hall was filled with smelly teenagers.

We turned around and tried to find a table or a free spot for bowling or pool in other bars. Unsuccessfully, we went back towards the apartment and played cards there. Or I should say, we tried to play cards. Half of them didn't understand the rules, the others were already too drunk to keep up. 'Lügen' (lying) is such a simple game, and no, you don't discard the Ace as an Ace, it's a Joker!...

Anyway, then I brought out the Ahoj Brause and drank vodka with the others. Soda in, shot afterwards, and shake it up. I think I left an impression with that 😂
The four of us who were still sober enough (including myself) went to the bowling alley later, but it didn't really make sense that late in the evening. Accuracy decreased significantly... (Do I even have any when I'm sober?)
So instead, we decided to dance at Alchemia across the street. A DJ was playing in the basement, and we danced with abandon. I enjoyed being around people so much, and I even managed to not care about how others saw me and just let myself dance. *Later, we talked about our plans for the next day, and Sergey said he would like to go to the mountains. I was excited and decided to join him. Bam, train ticket changed and following Christina's motto 'follow the flow'. I gave up my plans and didn't regret a thing. It was one of the best decisions of the trip.
Oh, by the way. Foam crowns are not much better here than in Prague
