
Feels like Home - Arequipa

Közzétett: 23.12.2019

Christmas Feeling at Hauptplatz in Arequipa
Christmas Feeling at Hauptplatz in Arequipa
Plaza de Armas - Arequipa
Plaza de Armas - Arequipa

As already mentioned at the end of our last travel article, we were able to make ourselves comfortable at our friend Kati's place for a week and enjoy the advantages of having our own apartment. After intensive weeks of traveling, we were very grateful for the opportunity to catch our breath. For the first time since the start of our journey, it made sense to take the clothes out of our backpack and put them in a wardrobe. Although it must be noted that this mostly failed due to the absence of a wardrobe.

In this short blog post, we mainly want to let the pictures speak and tell you about our unspectacular but very special week in Arequipa...

Extensive breakfasts, as we love them at home

Breakfast for Champions
Breakfast for Champions

Misti-Sushi - a pleasure crafted with skill

Best Sushi Ever @ Misti
Best Sushi Ever @ Misti

Baking cookies and drinking mulled wine at 25 degrees - where is the Christmas spirit?

Bringing back the feeling of home - mulled wine and Christmas music
Bringing back the feeling of home - mulled wine and Christmas music
Magic cookies - they tasted about as good as they looked
Magic cookies - they tasted about as good as they looked

Kati's basketball team wins the championship

'Champions, that's us'

'Trial training' at the gym

Chicken breast - no pain, no gain
Chicken breast - no pain, no gain
Where did the strength go???
Where did the strength go???

An evening of excessive Pisco Sour consumption - the day after :(

Peruvian-style football match

Witnessing a Peruvian football match
Witnessing a Peruvian football match
Pitch conditions worthy of a second division?
Pitch conditions worthy of a second division?

We also did some shopping. The number of clothes keeps decreasing mysteriously. There we had ice cream in the chair that was actually reserved for Santa Claus...

Martina's highlight in the shopping center

A huge THANK YOU to Kati, who created a feeling of being 'at home' with her warm personality.

In this week, we also had enough time to plan our next travel destinations. We really wanted to make up for the missed salt flat tour in Bolivia with our parents due to the unrest. So we decided to take the night bus to Bolivia on December 9th and spend 4 days in La Paz before continuing to the salt flats in Uyuni. Afterwards, we will conquer the Atacama Desert in Chile for a week, until finally at Christmas ...

... where are we actually for Christmas? 😊

Stay Tuned


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