
Lynton and Lynmouth

Tshaj tawm: 29.07.2022

From Lee, the path leads us to Lynmouth, the small twin village with Lynton, both famous for being connected by a water-operated funicular railway.
Lynton is located on the cliffs and Lynmouth is directly below, by the sea.

But the way there 😳. I take a detour, which is a mistake. It goes steeply downhill, gets narrower and narrower, and then we get stuck. The lane is narrower than the width between my wheels. When trying to reverse, I get entangled with my ladder and sandboards in the hedge and get stuck.

Fortunately, I can reverse three meters back, so that Doro can get out through the sliding door into the bushes to help me.

A stone is sticking out of the wall that limits the width of the road, and I break it by driving against it several times. Then we go down into the town at walking pace.

Directly at the harbor promenade, we find a parking space and we are in front of the entrance to the Cliff Railway, which we will ride the next day.


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